
Unexpected Upset - Feed - Part 4

by Chamuel

When you become unexpectedly upset, causing you to become fearful, many times to get over your fear, you will immediately want to ingest something to eat. So rather than dealing with your emotions or trying to sort out the overwhelm or situation, you will almost robotically go and start eating. Perhaps you eat a whole box of cookies or you eat something you don't normally care for. Whatever it is, you immediately want to ingest something. It is what it was like when you were a baby and you became frightened, your mother gave you a baby bottle to calm you down, or perhaps a teat or a pacifier. In any event, she fed you when you became upset and that became a learned behavior. It is a calming thing.

However, if you do not handle your emotions, you can turn this programming into an eating disorder because you're not handling your emotions and can be creating such diseases as alcoholism, anorexia, bulimia, or simply becoming obese. You either eat or ingest something. Perhaps you opt for a drink which can result in the disease of alcoholism. Perhaps you ingest a pill or 14 which can result in addiction. In any event, you feel you must put something in your mouth.

To allow yourself space when you become overwhelmed or upset say the following aloud:

Raphael, clear and remove any programming that causes the symptoms of me putting something to eat or drink in my mouth because of an unexpected upset or upsetting fear. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Breathing exercise of at least 3 breaths.

Breathe out:  Feeding myself liquids or solids because of fear and overwhelm
Breathe in:    Peaceful resolution.

Next month is Part 5 – Fornicate


Unexpected Upset - Freeze - Part 3

by Chamuel

Many times, when you have an unexpected upset and go into fear, your reaction is to simply freeze. Marge calls it turning into a hypnotized oyster. Someone says something that you just did not comprehend whatsoever. How could they possibly say that or do that or think that, and you become so overwhelmed, you just freeze and are unable to move, speak or even hardly think. This is like the rabbit that you see portrayed as being chased and stopping still in its tracks, so the hawk can no longer see its movement, and the hawk will continue looking for movement until it spots something else or the rabbit moves. It is a response to an unexpected upset or upsetting fear.

If this fear is great enough or happens often, without being released or recognized by you, you may also create an invisible program, which in turn can create other issues for you later.  You simply didn’t want people to notice you, so you would be safe, but then later on, you cannot understand why people don’t notice you, so you do things to make yourself more noticeable such as being very different from them and saying or doing things that are not the social norm or even things that are socially unacceptable.  This ultimately becomes a circular trap.  Don’t notice me. I am not safe. I am scared. So, I do things I am not proud of, and become ashamed of my behavior and start hating myself, etc. This can ultimately lead to agoraphobia, depression and suicide.

To eliminate this response or minimize it so that you can respond quicker and heal, say aloud:

Chamuel: Heal, clear or remove my programming which creates the symptom of freezing, when I become suddenly upset and fearful as well as all overwhelm programming. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Do the following breathing exercise:

Breathe out: Freezing and overwhelm
Breathe in:    Peaceful Resolution

Next month we will cover Part 4 - Feed


Unexpected Upset - Part 2 - Fight

by Chamuel

The fear triggered by some unexpected upset causes you to become upset or get really scared and you react in 1 of 7 ways by going into some sort of avoidance pattern. Most people believe they are flight, fight or freeze. Below is the second way you can react.

When you become scared or upset, suddenly, as a reaction to something, you may go into fight mode. Perhaps you are simply in the doctor's office and he wants to run a test, your reaction immediate reaction is NO. You think ‘You doctors are alike. You just want to run tests and cost me more money.’ So, you are immediately attacking or confronting the doctor which is a form of fighting. Any sort of resistance, which is putting up your hand and saying ‘No, I'm not going to do that or actually moving forward is aggression toward another, which is a form of fighting. So, you become scared and upset, which of course covers up your fear, or it is a result of becoming afraid and fearful, you are not trusting that everything is all right. Therefore, you put up resistance. That resistance does not allow you to come to a place of peaceful resolution and certainly does not allow discussion or cooperation. It puts walls between you and the other person instead of holding their hand and working your way through as a team, you are putting a wall between you and them that screams NO way, stay away, keep out, etc.

So, to eliminate this immediate response of fight fighting and aggression, we would have you do the following clearing by saying out loud:

Chamuel: Heal, clear and remove my fight response to upset and fear. In all dimensions time and space, so I can instead have peaceful resolution. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Do the breathing exercise of at least 3 breaths.

Breathe out:  Fighting and resisting
Breathe in:    Peaceful resolution

Then if a program gets triggered later, you can remember to Converse rather than Confront, or Figure it out rather than Fight.

Next month will be Part #3 - Feed


Delusion or Solution?

By Chamuel

As you wander around in a daily basis, are you stuck in illusion or delusion? Your illusion is that perhaps things outside of you are causing your unhappiness, keeping you blocked from something you want. This illusion can quickly become delusion, meaning that you have moved from feel good to feel bad. At this point somehow, you need to stop blaming and start taking responsibility and looking for a solution. The solution, of course, is to change yourself. By changing yourself you will change your outside circumstances, so your delusion will be solved by your solution, so you can once again feel good. The answer always lies within.


Unexpected Upset - Part 1 - Flight

Unexpected Upset - Part 1 - Flight

A seven-part series by Chamuel
The fear triggered by some unexpected upset causes you to become upset or get really scared and you react in 1 of 7 ways by going into some sort of avoidance pattern. Most people believe they are flight, fight or freeze. However, these are the first three of seven and these can all be reduced in their severity, though maybe not completely eradicated, depending on which ones you have. Below we will make a complete listing with a healing for each one, and they are as follows:

Whenever you become upset or angry, it is because you have an underlying fear. When you become fearful, you have a reaction. For some of you, your first inclination is to simply run. You have this inclination because you have many past life times’ where you were killed, when you did not escape in time. So, for example, you hear an extremely loud noise, become frightened and then you will want to flee. Perhaps an earthquake happens, and you will run out of the building, regardless of who you leave behind or perhaps it is as scary movie and you know that it's just a movie, but, you become so frightened you immediately leave the theater or the room in the middle of the movie or perhaps just shut it off if it is your television. So that is a flight response, simply due to an impulsive reaction and not necessarily an action that is helpful to you in your existing circumstances.

We would like to remove the programming that causes you to immediately flee without taking one or two seconds to ask yourself if this is really a situation you want to run from. If it is the scary movie or simply a loud noise like a firecracker or car backfiring. there is no need to flee. If it is an earthquake or an avalanche, then certainly you should flee and begin immediately, but taking one second isn't usually going to make that much of a difference to you. It could, but we are saying, most likely it won't, and the amount of times that you are now fleeing would be reduced to nearly never. Instead, you would recognize the fear, and think ‘It's just a movie and I'm okay.' Then you could choose to continue to watch it or turn it off and watch something more pleasant, but you would not need to flee the scene. So, to eliminate your fleeing program as a response and allow you instead to choose; simply say out loud: Raphael, clear and remove my fleeing programming because of I got frightened in all dimensions of time and space. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Now do the breathing exercise of at least 3 breaths.

Breathe out: Flight or fleeing
Breathe in:   Peaceful resolution

Next month, we will help you release the second pattern which is fighting.



by Samara

The sun shines, the rain rains, you smile and laugh. Each of these things was created in the before and in your now. You can choose to create more rain or more sunshine or more smiles simply by appreciating what is in your now. The more you appreciate, the more of that you are creating. So, notice what you are feeling and appreciate what you like more.


Yesterdays creations

by Samara
As you go through your moments, experiencing what is there to experience, remember; this was created in your yesterday and what you are thinking now creates your tomorrows.


Home is where your heart is

by Jeshua

Your home is where your heart is and whenever you are peaceful inside of you, you are bringing peace to those around you. So look with-in for your disturbances and as you calm those down, you become more peaceful. This allows more loving, which also spreads throughout your world. That love creates more peace and peace then creates more love.


Being Spiritual

by Haniel

Being spiritual does not mean being pious or a do-gooder. It simply means that you are feeling the connection to all that is and mostly staying in the mode of appreciation. When you are in appreciation, you are very much connected to source.


Delusion or Solution?

By Chamuel
As you wander around in a daily basis, are you stuck in illusion or delusion? Your illusion is that perhaps things outside of you are causing your unhappiness, keeping you blocked from something you want. This illusion can quickly become delusion, meaning that you have moved from feel good to feel bad. At this point somehow, you need to stop blaming and start taking responsibility and looking for a solution. The solution, of course, is to change yourself. By changing yourself you will change your outside circumstances, so your delusion will be solved by your solution, so you can once again feel good. The answer always lies within.