
Unexpected Upset - Freeze - Part 3

by Chamuel

Many times, when you have an unexpected upset and go into fear, your reaction is to simply freeze. Marge calls it turning into a hypnotized oyster. Someone says something that you just did not comprehend whatsoever. How could they possibly say that or do that or think that, and you become so overwhelmed, you just freeze and are unable to move, speak or even hardly think. This is like the rabbit that you see portrayed as being chased and stopping still in its tracks, so the hawk can no longer see its movement, and the hawk will continue looking for movement until it spots something else or the rabbit moves. It is a response to an unexpected upset or upsetting fear.

If this fear is great enough or happens often, without being released or recognized by you, you may also create an invisible program, which in turn can create other issues for you later.  You simply didn’t want people to notice you, so you would be safe, but then later on, you cannot understand why people don’t notice you, so you do things to make yourself more noticeable such as being very different from them and saying or doing things that are not the social norm or even things that are socially unacceptable.  This ultimately becomes a circular trap.  Don’t notice me. I am not safe. I am scared. So, I do things I am not proud of, and become ashamed of my behavior and start hating myself, etc. This can ultimately lead to agoraphobia, depression and suicide.

To eliminate this response or minimize it so that you can respond quicker and heal, say aloud:

Chamuel: Heal, clear or remove my programming which creates the symptom of freezing, when I become suddenly upset and fearful as well as all overwhelm programming. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Do the following breathing exercise:

Breathe out: Freezing and overwhelm
Breathe in:    Peaceful Resolution

Next month we will cover Part 4 - Feed

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