
Unexpected Upset - Part 2 - Fight

by Chamuel

The fear triggered by some unexpected upset causes you to become upset or get really scared and you react in 1 of 7 ways by going into some sort of avoidance pattern. Most people believe they are flight, fight or freeze. Below is the second way you can react.

When you become scared or upset, suddenly, as a reaction to something, you may go into fight mode. Perhaps you are simply in the doctor's office and he wants to run a test, your reaction immediate reaction is NO. You think ‘You doctors are alike. You just want to run tests and cost me more money.’ So, you are immediately attacking or confronting the doctor which is a form of fighting. Any sort of resistance, which is putting up your hand and saying ‘No, I'm not going to do that or actually moving forward is aggression toward another, which is a form of fighting. So, you become scared and upset, which of course covers up your fear, or it is a result of becoming afraid and fearful, you are not trusting that everything is all right. Therefore, you put up resistance. That resistance does not allow you to come to a place of peaceful resolution and certainly does not allow discussion or cooperation. It puts walls between you and the other person instead of holding their hand and working your way through as a team, you are putting a wall between you and them that screams NO way, stay away, keep out, etc.

So, to eliminate this immediate response of fight fighting and aggression, we would have you do the following clearing by saying out loud:

Chamuel: Heal, clear and remove my fight response to upset and fear. In all dimensions time and space, so I can instead have peaceful resolution. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Do the breathing exercise of at least 3 breaths.

Breathe out:  Fighting and resisting
Breathe in:    Peaceful resolution

Then if a program gets triggered later, you can remember to Converse rather than Confront, or Figure it out rather than Fight.

Next month will be Part #3 - Feed

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