
033 Today by Jeshua

Today is a special day. It is your day and you decide what you are going to do. So, choose to love rather than hate. Choose to care rather than be cold and uncaring or apathetic.  Choose to be centered instead of fragmented and scattered. Most of all, love yourself and your body. You chose this body to be your earthly home, so respect it, care for it and most of all, love it and that love will radiate out to others.


032 Choosing by Urial

When you choose, it means you decide.  When you decide, it means you are standing in your own power.  When you are standing in your own power, it means that you are not a victim, or at the mercy of anyone else.  You are.  This is the point of creation for you in your world.  Nothing, absolutely nothing in your world is, unless you have decided it was so, at some point.

The 'when' of deciding could have been thousands of lifetimes ago, or a split second ago in your timeframes.  But it was decided by you.

So, perhaps, just perhaps, you may want to pay a bit more attention to what you are deciding in your now....


031 How Guardian Angels Help You

The beings I work and play with are labeled archangels, some are angels, some are multi-conscious souls, saints or non-physical beings...and I choose to just call them all 'angelics.'

The list includes what each one specializes in, as they have explained it:
Archangel Raphael         Master healer, addictions, travel, lost pets and Clair's.
Archangel Uriel               Magic, alchemy, problem solving and tests.
Archangel Sandalphon  Wisdom [he was formerly Elijah, the profit in the Bible]  Archangel Ariel               Magic and manifestation 
Jeshua [aka Jesus]        Love, healing and peace 
Chamuel                         Career, relationships & finding golf balls & lost things 
Sedna                              Providing abundance and prosperity Haniel                              Grace, healing, and psychic 
Grace                               Fairness, justice and court proceedings & healings
Bethany                           Sacred healing  
Earth Diva                       Peace and healing the Earth's inhabitants 
Medical Corps online     Physical healing & they usually work with angel Grace
St. Bernadette                 Physical healing  

St. Bernadette is the first angel I saw, and healed my tonsils so I could keep them. I called her the 'lady,' and she is.

You can ask any of these angels at any time to help you with whatever your current issue is. Whether you can hear them or not - they hear you and do their best to help you with that issue. Simply choose which Angel is most helpful to the problem you are facing or you can choose two or three. You simply say "Open sacred space and connect me with..." and then state their names. Then simply tell them aloud what you want healed or changed, knowing that they will do whatever they can to help you and then simply say, "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."
The All That Is or God or whatever you call that Ultimate Power will then do the healing accordingly. We all know the answers are: yes, no and wait. We just can't predict which one is when or about what. I find that most of the time the angelics are able to help bring resolution or at least a lessening of the issue. I hope this information helps you to further help yourself.   

Your personal guardian angels help you make your life easier while you are on the planet. You can utilize their services three ways, which are as follows:
Your guardians are with you to help you remain safe. Before you leave on a trip or a journey, you simply ask your guardian angels to assist you and keep you safe, and to make sure you return home with all your possessions intact. If you are going to an area that you feel is less than safe, you can again ask them to assist you.  You can ask them to guard you and your property and they will.

Any time that you are not feeling well, you can ask your guardians to help you.  If you wake up with a sore throat, you can ask them to have it healed.  If you have an ongoing illness, you can ask them daily to make it better or to heal it.  I ask them about food and if it is right for me.  I ask them to guide me in the grocery store or in the restaurant so I select foods and beverages that are helpful to my body.
Before you go into a meeting, you can ask your guardian angels to connect with the guardian angels of the person you are meeting with and to have all of the guardians work together for peaceful resolution. If you are going to have a fun event such as a card party, you can ask your guardian angels to connect with the guardian angels of all of the participants and to make sure that each person that is attending actually wants to have fun. I have done this in the past, and occasionally someone will call and they are too busy or they have had a stressful day and need to rest or whatever else but the bottom line is, that they are canceling having fun today. I then again ask the angels to help me find another fun attendee, and they do.

They will not help you manipulate anyone or do anything that is not in integrity.  For example, they will NOT help you harm another, or get your own way in an argument or steal.  They are always in integrity.
So, ask and you will receive. I hope you enjoy playing with the angels like I do.

I wish you many blessings
Rev. Marjorie


030 Just Be - Part 2 by Archangel Raphael

By just being implies you do not have do anything to make it better, to fix it, to change it, to search for, to figure out how to do one of those things or anything else. You are simply content with what is happening.

It does not mean that you are not going to do things. It simply means that, as you are doing, you are mostly out of resistance and enjoying being the one who is doing those things. The problem that most of you experience is that you are not enjoying being the one who is experiencing those things. An example might be if you have created monetary problems in your life and you are going to have to declare bankruptcy or flee the country because so many people want you to pay them back; being content with that situation might be that you end up in prison for embezzlement or some other criminal activity that you perpetrated in order to have that money. So being content in that situation would be very difficult. You would be scrambling to do anything to retain your feeling of freedom so that you can do what you want.
Of course, you cannot be content in that scenario, because it is a negative situation that you have created but if you were in totally ‘just be’ you could you would simply surrender and they could take you to jail or put you through a trial or set you up on a payment plan governed by your government. If it had to do with paying back taxes there are many scenarios that could happen for you to make restitution, but you could enjoy making that restitution allowing yourself to ‘just be’ in that restitution making scenario. If you are not sure if you have this dichotomy, be assured that you do.

We are now going to eliminate these programs for you so that you can experience ‘just being’ without having to do anything. If you agree, say ‘yes’ out loud. It is a choice, and you will have to break some of your negative patterning. You will need to you remind yourself: I choose to ‘just be,’ which, is doing something, But when you specify: I choose to ‘just be,’ it stops your brain from thinking of all the things that you have to do which puts you in ‘just be.’


029 Just Be by Archangel Raphael

Many of you on your planet have an issue with being. You know that you incarnated or perhaps you have forgotten but in any event you did incarnate on this planet. Part of this incarnation is separating from the one. When you separate from the one there is always duality because you are separated. you want to be with the one but you cannot be with the one so that creates your biggest ambivalent flow. I want to be but I can't be in that sets up a lifetime patterning for you that circles and resurfaces and surfaces and resurfaces in many ways in your lifetime.

You can eliminate the blockages, the ambivalent flows, the limitations and other programming so that you can be what is known as ‘content’ on your planet. Some people call it going with the flow or being out of resistance. The bottom line is that you are simply being present with whatever is happening without resistance.

Any time you can just be without having any sort of resistance, you are in acceptance or contentment or some other form of feeling good. Because there is no resistance, you are not feeling bad, therefore it is acceptable. The word acceptable instead of contentment would be much better for you to understand where you are and how to basically remain in this state. Remember your primary function is that you want is to be with the one so you feel you have to do something to get there. However, no matter what you do unless you leave your earthly body you cannot be with the one. Therefore to attain the state of acceptable, or contentment, or what people call happiness is to eliminate your programs of resistance, which include limitations and many other programs that you create to block yourself from being. You have a statement from some of your light workers that states ‘be all that you can be.’ In essence, that is an excellent message to ‘be all that you can be’ means that it is all that you can be while you are in your existing body with your existing planetary limitations. You are not part of the one so you cannot totally be with the one, but you can ‘just be.’


028 Betrayal

by Archangel Michael 
Betrayal is often coupled with a loss of control. When you lose control of the situation you usually enter a victim consciousness or mode or identity. You can also put on a helpless identity and both of those equal that you are not safe. Of course, you don’t have any control to begin with, so there is nothing to lose, but you think you do.

When you feel betrayed or when you have been betrayed or a betrayal has happened to you or you assume it has happened to you, then you immediately have lost control. So betrayal is a twisted form of losing control. This particular creation is something that every single person on your planet has. The twisted comes from your past. The loss of control is in your now via a belief structure that is from your past and a negative response to what you are experiencing in your present.
So the twisted creation can be eliminated by first eliminating the twist and separating it from the betrayal. The individual who wants this situation remedied does not have to ask or figure out what both parts or pieces are, they simply need to know that they have been betrayed. Then, of course, you ask Archangel Raphael to eliminate your entire betrayal creation in which you feel you lost control. If you just ask for the betrayal portion to be removed, it does not eliminate the loss of control or twisted part. So whenever you are working on an issue for yourself, or perhaps for someone else. always be certain, if you are working on betrayal, that you be ask to include the loss of control.

If you want to do this, say: Archangel Raphael:  Eliminate any and all of my  betrayal creations entirely.  Do forgiveness's for everyone involved including myself.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.


027 Because

by Urial
Whenever you use the word ‘because,’ you are asserting or rationalizing a way to prove that you are right and they, it or them are wrong. When you are doing this, you are playing the right and wrong game and you always lose.



From Samara

When you create a soul lineage pattern, it is generally some form of limitation. In this case, ‘not being willing to receive or allow’ limits the amount of any emotion that you are willing to receive. It also limits the amount of physicalness that you are willing to allow or receive. However if you have cross programming or more than one program, one can override the other. For example if you have an exit ramp [death] that is due to being attacked or shot or beaten or some sort of physical violent behavior, it can override your limitation to receive punishment. So it is not always going to apply but it generally applies. In other words, you would not have multiple days of good; very often, but it may come in streaks. After a certain number of days, which you may or may not have specified, then that specific thing would stop because of the limitation.
When you create, things at the soul lineage level may go wherever you as the soul go, they do not have to do with the lineage of your parents or children in this lifetime, they have to do with where you have gone on your own soul journeys. You may have one lifetime where you act as a God and the next lifetime you may choose to be a peon of a lesser class perhaps in a slave capacity, and the next of your life times could be as a commander on a vessel of some type that goes through the galaxy. It doesn’t matter what your incarnation is when you have programming or limitations at the soul lineage level, they would act in all three of those capacities mentioned. So releasing any soul limitations is a much bigger release than if you just released a pattern at the body level or the mental level or the spiritual or psychic levels, which would be just one incarnation. When you release things at the soul lineage level, you are releasing them for many, many of your life times. We will do this release now for anyone who reads this that wants this.

Simply say out loud: Samara, release any soul lineage programs I have that are limiting my ability to receive or allow things to happen. Samara will then accomplish this for you. Then it is our suggestion, so that you are participating, that you do a breathing exercise for as many breaths as you feel comfortable with doing. It could be three, five, or even six. A minimum of three, but as many as needed until you feel that you have comfortably accomplished this task.
Breathe out: Not willing to receive or allow.
Breathe in: Fully allowing and receiving.



by Jeshua

As you become older and older and older, you store more and more and more information in your brain. It takes or can take longer to access it.  If you have any kind of memory impingement or memory programs or dementia programs, of course, your information can be lost or destroyed. But without those types of programs, it simply takes somewhat longer to access.

You can  think of it as having one file cabinet when you first start out. In the first grade, you don’t even fill up one drawer. But by the time you are through high school, perhaps you have filled up that file cabinet. By the time you are in your 40s you have a small room. By the time you are in your 50s and 60s, you may have a house full of file cabinets. So not only do you have to remember which cabinet in which room, but which drawer in which file. It isn’t that you can’t retrieve that file; it just means the sorting system gets a bit longer or more convoluted.
Then you have the question of which memory, because it could be several that have memories to do with that particular subject. For example, you remember some time when you were telling jokes and this joke reminds you of that joke and that joke reminds you of another joke and then someone else tells a joke which reminds you of another joke. So now you have accessed three different places in your brain. Your brain works almost at the speed of light and sometimes faster normally, so it is sorting, compiling, computing all the time you are having your  experience of sitting, standing or walking, plus breathing, etc., etc.

So, the fact that your brain doesn’t always access exactly what you want when you want it, is not an abnormal experience, it is just an experience.
Many of you however want to go to a place of upset. That also is normal, because you are not getting your own way, when you want your own way. Again, if you have no programs that are encouraging this scenario, you will get your way; you just may need to be a little more patient. If you have any questions as to whether you have memory issues or misfiling brain issues, just ask Raphael to remove them. If you don’t know, ask him to remove them anyway. If you don’t have any, there will be nothing to remove but if you do have negative programming, it can be removed and your life should be simpler. It doesn’t mean it’s going to speed up the retrieval programming, it simply means it will work better.


024 The Mind never shuts up

by Samara

Many of you will find that you feel that your mind never shuts up. Some of you go in cycles or circles where you are on the same subject, unable to let go. Others of you do strings. You start out with one creation which reminds you, which reminds you, which reminds you… and you may end up back at the first creation and you may not. The third way of never shutting up is somewhat of a dichotomy, which can basically combine both methods and is a different kind of strata layer creation. In this third type, you will start out with what you may deem to be an obsession. For example, you do not like what others are thinking about you or what you perceive they are thinking about you. Then it reminds you of other things that you do not like that people think about, or it reminds you of other things that you have perceived that someone has not liked about you previously, but is not connected to your current upset.
All three of these scenarios are indicative of patterns of programming that are not helpful to you. You have an overall pattern that is combining other patterns together without your conscious knowledge. You may have what you call a broken record pattern, where, as an example, you hear a song and a portion of it goes through your mind, through your mind, through your mind, through your mind. It seems to be unceasing. So that repetitious patterning of ‘broken record’, for lack of a better term, is attached to your existing thought and it then becomes an aberration. Whether it becomes a repeating pattern, a string pattern, or a combo pattern depends on to what it is attached.

Very few of your patterns are single patterns. Most of them, over time and through your many incarnations, have become combination patterns.
On top of this, you have patterns that have limitations to your programming. So, you could, as a rare example, have a combination pattern involving a repetitious cycle but with a limitation to your overall programming: to not realize that you are doing this. So you may walk around constantly having things replay in your mind, seemingly unstable to stop them, but you don’t necessarily realize that this is occurring.

Once you start cleaning up your mind and your patterns, such as doing this work or any of the other various healing modalities used on your planet such as Avatar, EFT, TAT, Reiki and a myriad of others, then these patterns start once again simplifying and reducing. This process starts clearing your path, much like the clearing of a plot of ground.
You may have a thicket over in that corner of manzanita, which is very difficult to get through or to get rid of, but over here you may have a lovely piece of grass that resembles a meadow with beautiful flowers. In the distance is a grove of trees and over on the left are some blackberry brambles. So, depending on what you are thinking about, you could end up in the manzanita or the blackberry brambles. Or once your mind starts to clear, you end up in the meadow, being able to appreciate everything around you because you now have clarity and peace within your mind.

The study which is going to be presented in these books is all about the clearing of your programming and its limitations in your mind. It is a way for you to deliberately create what you want in your now. instead of accepting all of your past unconscious programming. There are other courses or modalities that also teach you to do this. It depends on your personal choice, as to how you want to do your own work. As you clear yourself in a lifetime, you have created that little bit of open space for a future lifetime to be much easier. It does not mean that you will want only open space because that again would become very boring. It means that you can choose a lifetime of happiness versus a lifetime in the blackberry brambles.



by Samara

Whenever you use the word ‘because,’ you are asserting or rationalizing a way to prove that you are right and they, it or them are wrong. When you are doing this, you are playing the right and wrong game and you always lose.


023 Meditation by Sandalphon

Many people in your earthly dimension use some form of meditation, which is a process to empty or clear your mind of the myriad pieces of information floating through. There are many methods of meditation which can be: simply concentrating on your breathing, listening to a certain type of music, doing some sort of tapping or rubbing of the skin on your body in a certain method, or it can be a combination, or perhaps, it may be listening to someone describing a scenario where you count down in some fashion. It does not matter the method: it matters that you go to alpha mode. Some of you simply specify ‘I want to go to alpha mode’ and there you are. Others need direction, and some of you never go to alpha mode, you go directly through without pausing. Some of you like to meditate on a specific topic or subject, some of you choose to ask a question, some of you just simply want peace or a surcease of the chatter. There is no right or wrong way to meditate.

If you decide on your intention prior to meditating, you are now deliberately creating a space for yourself to receive your creation in. By deciding your intention, you have a way to easily create something for yourself. What you decide to create is totally up to you, it is not up to anyone else unless you give them the power to suggest your meditation. For example, you may go to some sort of class, and the instructor will suggest that you are going to meditate on a specific subject. He or she is trying to get you to use your own faculties creatively, although, he or she does not necessarily understand that fact. They may simply want you to quiet down so they can present the material that they have brought to be taught. They see it as a control method, which it can also be. Often times, when students come into a class, they can be excited; or when people go to a church, they are coming from various households, various situations, various methods of transportation, and to quiet them, as a ‘crowd control’, a prayer is said. The prayer or meditation obviously has more than one usage, because many times you are asking for something to happen in your meditation or your prayer. You can use meditation as your own form of ‘crowd control’ when you have many thoughts crowding your mind and you cannot seem to get to a quiet place. Using a consistent form of meditation which then becomes somewhat of a habit is the easiest method for the ‘crowd control’ of your mind.

Whether you want peace of mind or an answer to a question, both are something that you want to create and you want it to be relatively quickly, so it is a form of instant creation. Some of your creations can take a lifetime, while others can be instantaneous and meditation is a form of almost instantaneous. In conclusion, if you choose to use meditation for yourself, we suggest that you find something that you truly enjoy that is easy for you. It can be as simple as a one line command, or as complicated as proceeding down a flight of stairs, accompanied by a certain type of music, all the while counting or reciting some long and involved phrase. It doesn’t matter, but the easier and more enjoyable it is to you will lend itself to the ease of your instant creation.


022 Assumptions & Projections

by Sandalphon

When you have an assumption or a projection about someone, you are adding a form in front or around that individual. If it agrees with a form that they currently have, you are strengthening, it, therefore, allowing it to become stronger. If they do not have that issue, it provides a place that they may resonate with subconsciously but not necessarily consciously. The fact that it is hanging in their space allows it to be easier create for them.

An example could be that you have a belief that your neighbor has a horrible dog. The dog barks all the time. You are only home two or three hours of daylight and then you sleep there, so in actuality you are only there 10 possibly 11 hours. However, with your belief structure hanging there, the bad dog can respond and start barking all of the time instead of just an hour or two. The dog may have some sort of other issue, such as being lonely. Since the dog is lonely and that is a not-good feeling; it is attracted to your projection hanging there. It gets attention from its owner when it barks, so it barks more. It may be negative attention, but it is attention. The dog is no longer lonely for the moment. Even if you are next door, your attention goes to the barking dog and it feels the attention on some minute level.
All beings are seeking attention in some form. All beings are seeking approval in some form.
It is part of being on planet Earth, whether you are a being or an animal. It is part of being accepted.

We cannot eliminate assumptions or projections completely as both of these are choices for each individual. We can eliminate projections that you have already created that you realize are negative, or we can simply eliminate all creations that are negative for you or someone you are in contact with. Things like: She is fat. He is ugly. I don’t like that person. All of those are assumptions and projections which usually come with a critical factor included. A critical factor is a judgment.
You may also have statements or assumptions or projections that are feel goods, such as he is handsome, she is smart, they are a wonderful family. So assumptions and projections are not necessarily always negative but they almost always carry a judgment. It is the judgment that locks them into place.

For the dog that barks all the time, you did not say that it is annoying, or that you hated it, but those things are implied. So the judgment is there. No one would say the dog is barking all the time, if they enjoyed it.
We will eliminate any and all negative projections and assumptions for each person that asks. In order to ask simply say: 

Archangel Rafael.  Remove the negative consequences of my past assumptions and projections including all judgment. Thank you. Then do the following breathing with a minimum of three breaths on each segment. Do each one until there is no feeling left and you are in a neutral space.

Breathe out:       Assumptions
Breathe in:         Peaceful resolution

Breathe out:       Projections
Breathe in:         Peaceful resolution
Breathe out:         Judgments
Breathe in:           Peaceful resolution   



The people who are incarnated on your earth right now are mostly in creations of violence stemming from a violent past.  Secondly, you have race conscious mind beliefs. There are several on your planet that are aiding in the violence. People who are incarnating are people choosing to incarnate to experience violence. You will recall that earlier we stated that Earth is the most difficult planet to incarnate in. The reason that people choose Earth rather than many of the other millions of planets that they could choose to incarnate is because it has so many different cultures, layers, and nationalities to pick from. There are so many different beliefs structures, that you can have just about anything that you desire and find a populace to support that desire.

Many of you have incarnated from violent pasts or past lives. For example, there are many wars in your past. You have in The United States - the Civil War, and the French and Indian war, the First World War, the War Between the States, not to mention wars overseas that you have participated in. Secondly, you have many lifetimes of being in other violent creations. When you are doing a string creation of violence you will do one right after another, after another, after another until you decide you have enough. Then you will choose something else. You may choose a combination with a violent child and young adulthood going to a peaceful existence in your later years. You could also choose the other way around. You could choose to have a peaceful childhood, a loving young adult life: perhaps a student, perhaps a young married, but then be violently attacked, raped and/or killed.  You could also be sent to war to experience that.

Violence is not new in any culture. It always exists at some level. It will always exist at some level. Depending on the culture you choose, the planet you choose etc., there can be more or less violence, depending upon your choices. Right now on your planet, you are having an influx of new children who want to bring peace to your existing planet. You had the indigos that were angry at the injustice and the lack of honesty and if they did not find a way to positively channel that energy, have ended up being incarcerated or in some sort of trouble. Then you had the crystals, who were much more interested in the outdoors and nature and they have huge, gorgeous eyes. Now, you have the rainbow children, who are healers. They have come to wake people up to what is happening around you by basically asking: Is this what you want? Is this how you want to live?

You may have violence in one area or part of your individual world and in another area or part; you can have total peace and basic contentment. You have people who have moved or joined some sort of organization that is all about peace or is all about bringing enlightenment to others. On your planet or in your sphere of experience, violence is and will always exist.

If you want to experience peace, then be peaceful in all areas of your own life. You cannot create peace by waging war. Your choice is to choose deliberately.  So, decide what you want to experience and do that.