Many of you will find that you feel that your mind never
shuts up. Some of you go in cycles or circles where you are on the same subject,
unable to let go. Others of you do strings. You start out with one creation
which reminds you, which reminds you, which reminds you… and you may end up
back at the first creation and you may not. The third way of never shutting up
is somewhat of a dichotomy, which can basically combine both methods and is a
different kind of strata layer creation. In this third type, you will start out
with what you may deem to be an obsession. For example, you do not like what
others are thinking about you or what you perceive they are thinking about you.
Then it reminds you of other things that you do not like that people think
about, or it reminds you of other things that you have perceived that someone
has not liked about you previously, but is not connected to your current upset.
All three of these scenarios are indicative of patterns of
programming that are not helpful to you. You have an overall pattern that is
combining other patterns together without your conscious knowledge. You may
have what you call a broken record pattern, where, as an example, you hear a
song and a portion of it goes through your mind, through your mind, through
your mind, through your mind. It seems to be unceasing. So that repetitious
patterning of ‘broken record’, for lack of a better term, is attached to your
existing thought and it then becomes an aberration. Whether it becomes a
repeating pattern, a string pattern, or a combo pattern depends on to what it
is attached.
Very few of your patterns are single patterns. Most of them,
over time and through your many incarnations, have become combination patterns.
On top of this, you have patterns that have limitations to
your programming. So, you could, as a rare example, have a combination pattern
involving a repetitious cycle but with a limitation to your overall programming:
to not realize that you are doing this. So you may walk around constantly
having things replay in your mind, seemingly unstable to stop them, but you
don’t necessarily realize that this is occurring.
Once you start cleaning up your mind and your patterns, such
as doing this work or any of the other various healing modalities used on your
planet such as Avatar, EFT, TAT, Reiki and a myriad of others, then these
patterns start once again simplifying and reducing. This process starts
clearing your path, much like the clearing of a plot of ground.
You may have a thicket over in that corner of manzanita,
which is very difficult to get through or to get rid of, but over here you may
have a lovely piece of grass that resembles a meadow with beautiful flowers. In
the distance is a grove of trees and over on the left are some blackberry
brambles. So, depending on what you are thinking about, you could end up in the
manzanita or the blackberry brambles. Or once your mind starts to clear, you
end up in the meadow, being able to appreciate everything around you because
you now have clarity and peace within your mind.
The study which is going to be presented in these books is
all about the clearing of your programming and its limitations in your mind. It
is a way for you to deliberately create what you want in your now. instead of
accepting all of your past unconscious programming. There are other courses or
modalities that also teach you to do this. It depends on your personal choice,
as to how you want to do your own work. As you clear yourself in a lifetime,
you have created that little bit of open space for a future lifetime to be much
easier. It does not mean that you will want only open space because that again
would become very boring. It means that you can choose a lifetime of happiness
versus a lifetime in the blackberry brambles.
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