

The people who are incarnated on your earth right now are mostly in creations of violence stemming from a violent past.  Secondly, you have race conscious mind beliefs. There are several on your planet that are aiding in the violence. People who are incarnating are people choosing to incarnate to experience violence. You will recall that earlier we stated that Earth is the most difficult planet to incarnate in. The reason that people choose Earth rather than many of the other millions of planets that they could choose to incarnate is because it has so many different cultures, layers, and nationalities to pick from. There are so many different beliefs structures, that you can have just about anything that you desire and find a populace to support that desire.

Many of you have incarnated from violent pasts or past lives. For example, there are many wars in your past. You have in The United States - the Civil War, and the French and Indian war, the First World War, the War Between the States, not to mention wars overseas that you have participated in. Secondly, you have many lifetimes of being in other violent creations. When you are doing a string creation of violence you will do one right after another, after another, after another until you decide you have enough. Then you will choose something else. You may choose a combination with a violent child and young adulthood going to a peaceful existence in your later years. You could also choose the other way around. You could choose to have a peaceful childhood, a loving young adult life: perhaps a student, perhaps a young married, but then be violently attacked, raped and/or killed.  You could also be sent to war to experience that.

Violence is not new in any culture. It always exists at some level. It will always exist at some level. Depending on the culture you choose, the planet you choose etc., there can be more or less violence, depending upon your choices. Right now on your planet, you are having an influx of new children who want to bring peace to your existing planet. You had the indigos that were angry at the injustice and the lack of honesty and if they did not find a way to positively channel that energy, have ended up being incarcerated or in some sort of trouble. Then you had the crystals, who were much more interested in the outdoors and nature and they have huge, gorgeous eyes. Now, you have the rainbow children, who are healers. They have come to wake people up to what is happening around you by basically asking: Is this what you want? Is this how you want to live?

You may have violence in one area or part of your individual world and in another area or part; you can have total peace and basic contentment. You have people who have moved or joined some sort of organization that is all about peace or is all about bringing enlightenment to others. On your planet or in your sphere of experience, violence is and will always exist.

If you want to experience peace, then be peaceful in all areas of your own life. You cannot create peace by waging war. Your choice is to choose deliberately.  So, decide what you want to experience and do that.

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