
031 How Guardian Angels Help You

The beings I work and play with are labeled archangels, some are angels, some are multi-conscious souls, saints or non-physical beings...and I choose to just call them all 'angelics.'

The list includes what each one specializes in, as they have explained it:
Archangel Raphael         Master healer, addictions, travel, lost pets and Clair's.
Archangel Uriel               Magic, alchemy, problem solving and tests.
Archangel Sandalphon  Wisdom [he was formerly Elijah, the profit in the Bible]  Archangel Ariel               Magic and manifestation 
Jeshua [aka Jesus]        Love, healing and peace 
Chamuel                         Career, relationships & finding golf balls & lost things 
Sedna                              Providing abundance and prosperity Haniel                              Grace, healing, and psychic 
Grace                               Fairness, justice and court proceedings & healings
Bethany                           Sacred healing  
Earth Diva                       Peace and healing the Earth's inhabitants 
Medical Corps online     Physical healing & they usually work with angel Grace
St. Bernadette                 Physical healing  

St. Bernadette is the first angel I saw, and healed my tonsils so I could keep them. I called her the 'lady,' and she is.

You can ask any of these angels at any time to help you with whatever your current issue is. Whether you can hear them or not - they hear you and do their best to help you with that issue. Simply choose which Angel is most helpful to the problem you are facing or you can choose two or three. You simply say "Open sacred space and connect me with..." and then state their names. Then simply tell them aloud what you want healed or changed, knowing that they will do whatever they can to help you and then simply say, "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."
The All That Is or God or whatever you call that Ultimate Power will then do the healing accordingly. We all know the answers are: yes, no and wait. We just can't predict which one is when or about what. I find that most of the time the angelics are able to help bring resolution or at least a lessening of the issue. I hope this information helps you to further help yourself.   

Your personal guardian angels help you make your life easier while you are on the planet. You can utilize their services three ways, which are as follows:
Your guardians are with you to help you remain safe. Before you leave on a trip or a journey, you simply ask your guardian angels to assist you and keep you safe, and to make sure you return home with all your possessions intact. If you are going to an area that you feel is less than safe, you can again ask them to assist you.  You can ask them to guard you and your property and they will.

Any time that you are not feeling well, you can ask your guardians to help you.  If you wake up with a sore throat, you can ask them to have it healed.  If you have an ongoing illness, you can ask them daily to make it better or to heal it.  I ask them about food and if it is right for me.  I ask them to guide me in the grocery store or in the restaurant so I select foods and beverages that are helpful to my body.
Before you go into a meeting, you can ask your guardian angels to connect with the guardian angels of the person you are meeting with and to have all of the guardians work together for peaceful resolution. If you are going to have a fun event such as a card party, you can ask your guardian angels to connect with the guardian angels of all of the participants and to make sure that each person that is attending actually wants to have fun. I have done this in the past, and occasionally someone will call and they are too busy or they have had a stressful day and need to rest or whatever else but the bottom line is, that they are canceling having fun today. I then again ask the angels to help me find another fun attendee, and they do.

They will not help you manipulate anyone or do anything that is not in integrity.  For example, they will NOT help you harm another, or get your own way in an argument or steal.  They are always in integrity.
So, ask and you will receive. I hope you enjoy playing with the angels like I do.

I wish you many blessings
Rev. Marjorie

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