

From Samara

When you create a soul lineage pattern, it is generally some form of limitation. In this case, ‘not being willing to receive or allow’ limits the amount of any emotion that you are willing to receive. It also limits the amount of physicalness that you are willing to allow or receive. However if you have cross programming or more than one program, one can override the other. For example if you have an exit ramp [death] that is due to being attacked or shot or beaten or some sort of physical violent behavior, it can override your limitation to receive punishment. So it is not always going to apply but it generally applies. In other words, you would not have multiple days of good; very often, but it may come in streaks. After a certain number of days, which you may or may not have specified, then that specific thing would stop because of the limitation.
When you create, things at the soul lineage level may go wherever you as the soul go, they do not have to do with the lineage of your parents or children in this lifetime, they have to do with where you have gone on your own soul journeys. You may have one lifetime where you act as a God and the next lifetime you may choose to be a peon of a lesser class perhaps in a slave capacity, and the next of your life times could be as a commander on a vessel of some type that goes through the galaxy. It doesn’t matter what your incarnation is when you have programming or limitations at the soul lineage level, they would act in all three of those capacities mentioned. So releasing any soul limitations is a much bigger release than if you just released a pattern at the body level or the mental level or the spiritual or psychic levels, which would be just one incarnation. When you release things at the soul lineage level, you are releasing them for many, many of your life times. We will do this release now for anyone who reads this that wants this.

Simply say out loud: Samara, release any soul lineage programs I have that are limiting my ability to receive or allow things to happen. Samara will then accomplish this for you. Then it is our suggestion, so that you are participating, that you do a breathing exercise for as many breaths as you feel comfortable with doing. It could be three, five, or even six. A minimum of three, but as many as needed until you feel that you have comfortably accomplished this task.
Breathe out: Not willing to receive or allow.
Breathe in: Fully allowing and receiving.

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