
023 Meditation by Sandalphon

Many people in your earthly dimension use some form of meditation, which is a process to empty or clear your mind of the myriad pieces of information floating through. There are many methods of meditation which can be: simply concentrating on your breathing, listening to a certain type of music, doing some sort of tapping or rubbing of the skin on your body in a certain method, or it can be a combination, or perhaps, it may be listening to someone describing a scenario where you count down in some fashion. It does not matter the method: it matters that you go to alpha mode. Some of you simply specify ‘I want to go to alpha mode’ and there you are. Others need direction, and some of you never go to alpha mode, you go directly through without pausing. Some of you like to meditate on a specific topic or subject, some of you choose to ask a question, some of you just simply want peace or a surcease of the chatter. There is no right or wrong way to meditate.

If you decide on your intention prior to meditating, you are now deliberately creating a space for yourself to receive your creation in. By deciding your intention, you have a way to easily create something for yourself. What you decide to create is totally up to you, it is not up to anyone else unless you give them the power to suggest your meditation. For example, you may go to some sort of class, and the instructor will suggest that you are going to meditate on a specific subject. He or she is trying to get you to use your own faculties creatively, although, he or she does not necessarily understand that fact. They may simply want you to quiet down so they can present the material that they have brought to be taught. They see it as a control method, which it can also be. Often times, when students come into a class, they can be excited; or when people go to a church, they are coming from various households, various situations, various methods of transportation, and to quiet them, as a ‘crowd control’, a prayer is said. The prayer or meditation obviously has more than one usage, because many times you are asking for something to happen in your meditation or your prayer. You can use meditation as your own form of ‘crowd control’ when you have many thoughts crowding your mind and you cannot seem to get to a quiet place. Using a consistent form of meditation which then becomes somewhat of a habit is the easiest method for the ‘crowd control’ of your mind.

Whether you want peace of mind or an answer to a question, both are something that you want to create and you want it to be relatively quickly, so it is a form of instant creation. Some of your creations can take a lifetime, while others can be instantaneous and meditation is a form of almost instantaneous. In conclusion, if you choose to use meditation for yourself, we suggest that you find something that you truly enjoy that is easy for you. It can be as simple as a one line command, or as complicated as proceeding down a flight of stairs, accompanied by a certain type of music, all the while counting or reciting some long and involved phrase. It doesn’t matter, but the easier and more enjoyable it is to you will lend itself to the ease of your instant creation.

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