

By Archangel Raphael

Many of you have belief structures or judgments on how people create their money. For example if there is a beggar on the street, you look down on him or her and judge them as inferior. Perhaps you have forgotten that it is their choice to experience this and instead of looking down upon them you could instead see the magnificence of their creation. They have had to journey hardships, sadness, unhappiness, and many other things that feel bad in order to get to this position and do this begging. They have an incredible amount of courage to even undertake this mission. They are risking scorn, having things thrown at them, derision, and many other things that feel bad, but they risk all of those things and more and are creating income for themselves.
Where is it written that to create income you must be smart, intelligent, educated, from a certain class, or live in a certain part of town to have a job, own your own business or invest wisely? A beggar could be any of these and still have become a beggar.

So, these are all belief structures that you have adopted and since you adopted them, you can change them. Instead of viewing a person with negative emotion, such as derision, disgust, or even sympathy, both of you would feel better if you viewed them with wonder and appreciation.
Most humans when confronted with a beggar even look away. There is an underlying fear that somehow, someway, you could become that and you do not want to. Every person on your earth has chosen to be a beggar in one lifetime or another or perhaps many. Every culture has beggars, every city, every town and even every village.

If you have a problem seeing people in the magnificence of their existing creation, ask me to have your own assumptive programming removed, and I will remove it for you. Each soul enters in to your realm with many challenges he or she has chosen to experience. When you have chosen to experience something and you then resist it because of belief structures you have, the situation will keep repeating itself for you until you have experienced it fully. So when anyone is experiencing something that you feel bad about, change your mind instead to view the creation they are experiencing as wonderful with them being a masterful creator, because they are.




by Chamuel

We as Angels do not have any defined form. We are part of the ‘All that is,’ until we are called into form or sent into action by the one you know as ‘God’ or the ‘All that is’ or any other name you choose to call it, from Eloheim, to Buddha, to Lord etc.
When we choose to adopt an Angel form, we do it according to the belief structure of the person asking for angelic help. So, if you as an individual in a particular faith have an Angel or Angels that you picture in your head. Perhaps we can use Michael as an example because most of you have been indoctrinated as viewing Michael being an extremely large individual with huge wings and a sword that is gigantic. So, if you were able to see Michael that is what you would see. Some of you view Angels as simply blobs of light, so that is what you would see. Some of you view Angels with colored halos or auras, so that is what you would see. Some of you believe that Angels walk on earth, with you or beside you, so that is what we would do. It is easier to commune with you, when we are following your belief structure.

For example, if you were expecting Michael to be a very large man with a large wings and the gigantic sword and we sent you an elf, you would not believe that it is Michael and therefore the good works that could be done, would fail.
We do not appear in form that you can view for very long. It is not that we cannot hold the place, it is that you as a human usually cannot hold the space very long. If you were extremely elevated, you would be able to see us for much longer periods of time rather than a few moments. Some of those on your planet have unlimited time frames and can view us all day if they choose, however they generally only choose to see us when there is something to be done.

Do Angels eat? Angels do not eat anything. They do not have what you consider a body. They are made of a substance that you do not have in your earthly realm. They do not have things like eyeballs, stomachs and toes. It appears that we do, but we do not. It is if we project on your ocular screen a picture of what we look like, as if you are viewing a movie in your theater or on your television. It is simply a viewpoint that you see, it is not a body as you know a body.
We do not need to eat, drink, sleep, or any of the things, that you must do as an earthling. We simply assume a form that you can view to help you bridge the gap and be able to receive what you are asking to receive.

You have a saying that goes ‘You want it, you got it!’ Basically what we are saying is, you are the creator of your experience or rather experience says. You do create it all, including how you view us and/or what you expect to see, when you see or hear an Angel.
We are complete.



By Jophiel

When someone is overweight or underweight or does not like the outcome of their creation for their specific body, we would ask that you ask me, Jophiel, to assist. Your piece of the work is to know that you are beautiful in your soul. Your inside is beautiful or can be. If it is not, that is something that you yourself can change by changing your mind. We are not saying that you think your body is beautiful because in many cases, it may not be, yet. However, your soul is beautiful. You are, as the sole are a beautiful being, a lovely being, an incredible being and if you put your attention inside on your soul, you can feel beautiful. That beauty will then radiate outward into your physical reality once you stop denigrating your body, once you stop hating and despising your body. Start thinking of yourself as beautiful. Your soul is.



By Archangel Raphael

We told you about the test where there are 20 questions on the test. Someone misses one and to you they had one wrong.  You concentrate on the one wrong not on the 19 or 95 per cent that were right. You do the same thing in your life. You concentrate on the one thing that is wrong instead of being in gratitude that so many things are going correctly.

Some time ago you were totally in gratitude and everything was coming up roses in your world or at least that was the way you felt. That is where you need to be. That is what you need to be doing: concentrating on what is right. When you do this personal work, of course, we are going to be looking for what is wrong, but in your daily life you want to concentrate on what is going right.

So if you are one of the folks who like to play the right/wrong game, do the following to heal it:

Ask God to assist Raphael to help you eliminate this programming.

Say: Open sacred space and connect me to Raphael:

Say: Raphael, remove the right/wrong game programming from any and all lifetimes for me up to and including this one.  Do forgivenesses for all, including me. Eliminate the entire creation.  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.



By Kuthumi

When you have a strong feeling of being overwhelmed, of not being able to figure out which thing to do first or even how to do something, you are in a state of confusion. Confusion is a program of trying to prioritize, but it is like you cannot step back far enough from it to even realize what you are supposed to be doing. At the first glimmer of awareness that you are in overwhelm, simply ask me Kuthumi, to eliminate your overwhelm program. I will do the clearing of the past life that created it, clear the trauma for all in that lifetime, in all lifetimes in between and up to the existing lifetime, as well as doing forgivenesses for all. This program is not a one-time clearing. You have many, many, many, many times from past lives that will trigger, so you will have another feeling of overwhelm.

It is frequently a period of chaos when you have requested a change or you are planning a change of any kind. You must go through a period of chaos. The chaos can cause or trigger overwhelm, especially if you forget you asked for a change. For example, if you are going to change from one house to another house or from one car to another car, you must move your belongings. Sometimes, depending on the amount of change, you might need to even pack boxes of items and then the  chaos can begin. If it is as simple as changing from one bus to another bus on a trip, there can be a minimal amount of chaos, perhaps just jostling against another passenger. However, there is chaos.

When you have chaos, your overwhelm program kicks into action or can be triggered. It does not always trigger, but it usually triggers. Then just because the chaos is over and the change is complete, you can still have the overwhelm program in your existence to continue to plague you. At this point, connect with either myself, Kuthumi, or Archangel Raphael, if you prefer to have us remove your 'overwhelm' program. Either one of us can do this for you. It is not something you want to keep in your life. It is a negative factor because it does not allow you peace.  



by Archangel Raphael

When women get pregnant, many times a program is triggered, called pregnancy cravings. The woman will crave various foods in great quantity and sometimes very strange combinations. This phenomenon is called pregnancy craving. There can be multiple programs that trigger or just one. The problem for the woman is or can be that when she has the child, the cravings do not stop. There is nothing in the program that says that it is over when the pregnancy occurs. So if these pregnancy craving programs still exist in the woman after the pregnancy has been terminated, the woman will continue to have cravings. She will have those cravings until she dies, which guarantee that she will become fat or obese.

If you are a woman who has been pregnant and you seem to have cravings for food that are unexplainable, you probably have one or more of these pregnancy craving programs. To eliminate them simply do the following.
Ask the God of your understanding to help Archangel Raphael help you to eliminate these programs.

Then say:  Open sacred space and connect me with Raphael and then say the following:
Raphael, please clear and remove any and all pregnancy craving programs from any and all of my life times including this one. Completely eliminate all of these contracts and or programs. Eliminate the trauma of being overweight and not being able to stay on diets. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


014 Safety First

I used to work with a lot with a guide.  However, I forgot that when I am using guides, I am not always as safe as I am when I work with Angels.  I forgot to protect myself and gave that guide more power than I should have.  Then my guide decided he liked power and wanted more. He then started taking over parts of my life, and it was awhile before I realized anything was wrong.  I have had several experiences with lower level beings: guides, ghosts, attached beings, etc., that have not gone well for me.  So, I would urge you to protect yourself by using only angels or archangels and/or being sure that you know how to set up shields and protection for yourself before you work with any beings or channel them.  I personally do not do ‘mediumship’ work which is communicating with those who have crossed over because they are a lower vibration and I get things like headaches, etc., so it doesn’t work for me.  Other seers love doing that type of work so you need to find out what works for you and fortunately, we all get to choose.

There are different levels of frequency per Elijah/Sandalphon. Sort of like channels on the radio or CB.  Most humans reside at 6 or 7.  Ghosts are normally around 10. Guides are usually at a frequency level of 13-18.  Mother Theresa is a 26. Archangel Michael is 29. Archangels Raphael & Gabriel are at level 28 as are most of the other Archangels. Jesus is 33. So, when you connect with angels, you are dealing with a much higher level of being. It is also my understanding from Archangel Raphael, that angels are required to tell the truth.  Beings at lower level frequencies do not have that requirement.    

When you want to work with angels, simply say, “Open Sacred Space” and ask to be connected to a specific angel or archangel, such as: Gabriel, Michael, Raphael or Jesus.  You will be safe and your prayers will most likely be answered.  Maybe not in your time or not in the angel’s time but in God’s time which could be your next lifetime. But you will know that you can just relax and enjoy the experience.  I always connect with God first and ask God to have the angel[s] help me, since angels are God’s messengers. When I am finished I simply say, “Thank you” and that closes the channel and the sacred space.




Once again the angels have suggested I change direction in a number of areas which is why you haven’t heard from me.   Some of them are:

1.      Found out I have insulin resistance syndrome. Not fun. The resistance backs your systems up instead of allowing things to flow, so you: gain weight around the middle and are unable to get rid of it, become tired or exhausted, have little or no energy, get brain fog so you can’t think, get arthritis, high blood pressure and perhaps heart or diabetes problems. Oh joy, oh rapture.  The cure for me is twofold. Get angel help and go on this extreme diet which is:

2.      Diet – Low Glycemic Diet. No potatoes, corn, sugar, caffeine, grains [which means no bread, pasta or good stuff but the angels said I could still eat rice], deep fried anything; cheese, minimal dairy and packaged goods because they have lots of chemicals in them, soda’s, pineapple, melon, raisins, squash, and….. Anything else on the glycemic list that is 56 or higher. Well now, you ask or at least I did. What is left?  Most fruit, most vegies, and meat, fish and poultry. You just have it plain: no breading or sauces, etc. K has been diagnosed with early diabetes, so we decided when we got to Cal., we would start the diet, and did. [Similar to Scarborough Medical or South Beach diets but more stringent.] He has lost about 10 pounds and I have lost 7, but we both feel incredibly better, brain fog gone, BP is down and I have already reduced one of my BP meds and am ready to reduce another because yesterday I got a reading of 86/58 which is way too low for a big girl like me.

3.      I had a nasty fall on the 4th of July…not exactly the freedom I wanted. Angels said I triggered an accident program while walking looking for my car, and I fell over a speed bump and broke a front tooth, stopped my watch, dislocated my collar bone, and sprained or strained my right rotor cuff, which is mostly why I have not been blogging. The drugs take away all thoughts about writing, you can’t type anyway and you can’t think anyway because you are bumping along on the ceiling. Oh yeah….  But, now a month later, I have a temporary bridge and have been going to a great chiropractor in Fremont, named Joe Joly who is incredible.  So, I am well on the way to recovering. As you notice, I am typing and I think mostly making sense???

4.      Create a new E-zine…or E-letter? And I said what the ^*&$&# is an Ezine?  It is a magazine created on the internet delivered by email rather than being printed out and sent to you by snail mail.  I have had many former readers of my newsletters ask for me to start a newsletter again, so I am going to. This blog will become more personal in nature and the angel and informational articles will be sent by Ezine. However, since mine will be in the form of a newsletter, I am going to do an E-letter rather than an Ezine.  It will probably be a few weeks because I need to move back north which takes a couple of weeks to pack and unpack and settle in, but I will add your names to my mailing list. Of course, you can opt out if you choose but hopefully you will want to get your friends to sign up and be part of my angel team as well.

So, everyone, I have now bared my soul, am no longer guilty because I wasn’t writing and will get going on the Eletter formatting and creation.  I am once again, a ‘Happy Camper’ and I hope you are too, as we ‘trudge the Road of Happy Destiny‘ but I think I’ll skip for a while if the angels and I can keep my feet under me where they belong…...



PART 3 by Sandalphon [Twin of Metatron – Formerly Elijah the Prophet]

When you are in your existing lifetime, you have the power to change anything you want. You can and you do, on a minute to minute basis. Remember your whole purpose in your existing lifetime is to experience change. It is not to learn lessons. It is not to resolve karmic issues. Although, you do those things, that is not your purpose. Your purpose is to experience.

So can your future be modified? The answer is certainly. You can change your mind at any given moment until the time you decide to leave the planet. Once you have left the planet, your lifetime becomes part of the Akashic records. This Akashic record can be viewed by those who have the eyes to view it, and some humans are capable of doing that though they are rare.


The Angels have access through their own spiritual gifts, their own knowingness all of their Clairs. In addition to that, they are connected to God much more completely than humans are. Humans actually disconnect to come into the Earth's realm to experience duality. So humans connect to God very infrequently but occasionally, depending on their own level of spiritual growth. Some humans feel that they are connected at all times and that is their belief and from that viewpoint they are.

Regarding the matter of prophecy, the clarity that Angels get is in the 98% to 99% range. They are very aware. They are able to access the Akashic or the Book of Life records and they see all of your life times. One way to picture this would be, as if there were a giant elevator. Each floor on that elevator would be a lifetime. There would be rows and rows of elevators depending on what planet you had inhabited. There would be rows and rows depending on the persona you chose to inhabit, such as an Angel or a human. So depending on who and where you are when you ask the question and since you are all in human form that are reading this, we will only discuss that aspect.

You ask a prophecy question of us, such as ‘Am I going to get the job I desire.’ It is a simple matter for us to look at that specific elevator. You are in human form. You are in your current year and on your current planet, so it is easy for us to go investigate that floor of that elevator. There are many rooms on that floor. Each room would represent one year of your time and it is simple to push the button showing the film of that year of your time. We then see what you chose to do in that year. This may sound unbelievable or beyond fantastic to some of you. You need to remember that we do not have time where we are, but you do on your planet earth. In our time it is always now and we are simply viewing your tapes that you chose.  Others view these records as Books with facts to read. It doesn’t matter, either way works. You may also view past lives, which most times are viewed as a ‘movie.’

When you ask us as Angels, if you are to get the job, we look at the Akashic record that you have built and we can see that: yes, you did, or no, you didn't or you changed your mind completely and decided not to work ever again. The point is that sometimes it is difficult for us to get across to you. We do not have the time constraints that you do. Your time constraints have been set up on your planet as a referencing system.

You say, ‘Okay, today, I am doing this.’ ‘Or tomorrow, I am doing that.’ So your today, which is your now, is one ‘now’ for you and when you get to your tomorrow, it is another ‘now’ for you. However, in the moment for us in either of those instances, it is ‘now.’ We do not have those reference walls, it is just always ‘now.’ For you that is true also, but you have the time constraints in your realm.

So, when you ask us for prophecy, there are two pieces. First, we see your whole entire lifetime; you do not because of your time constraints. Secondly, the information you are receiving can be affected by your receiving abilities and/or programs. For example, you could have a program that you have miscommunication going on. So, instead of receiving correct communication, you receive miscommunication. You can also have programs that say you do not believe in Angels, in prophecy, or any other kind of woo-woo. So, your own programming can keep you from receiving the prophecy that you would like.
More information about angels will be published in Books 1 & 3.

From Marjorie:  This is extremely confusing for me or has been.  When I ask about prophecy for you, it usually happens or is so.  However, when I ask for me, it seems to be rarely true, unless it is about my health or safety.  So, there may be some restriction in there about personal gain.  I truly cannot or do not want to understand why they won’t tell me which stock is going up tomorrow or what the winning lottery numbers are. It would certainly make my life richer….



Many times when I am talking with the Angels, they tell me and show me things that are coming in the future. Sometimes those things are for you, and sometimes they are for me. In any event, they are events that are not happening right now.

It is like being in a movie watching the film and today you are physically in the theater. You are sitting in the seat. You are eating popcorn. And you are going to watch a movie. That is your ‘now.’  Then on the screen comes a preview of coming attractions. This one is an advertisement for a new car. It is glorious. It is the color that you love, it has many features that you want, including a tow package. It has surround sound, a moon roof, heated seats, and a heated steering wheel. It suggests that this could be your new vehicle. And the dreams begin.

Several months ago the Angels told me that I am going to get a luxurious new car. And of course, it happens to be the one in this preview. It is much nicer than my existing vehicle, which is 13 years old. I paid cash for the luxury van that I currently have, that had all the bells and whistles available then, including the sun and moon roof. I no longer have my corporate America income and I do not want to go in debt to purchase another newer luxury van. I have other things I choose to do with my  discretionary money, besides make a car payment. So I cannot imagine how I am going to get this new van. BUT the Angels said it is happening. First they said soon. Then they said I was on the cusp. Now they are saying it is momentarily pending.  Oh boy, I am getting closer and closer.  It is any minute.  Perhaps someone is even going to deliver it to my door??? I know I am going to win the Publishers Clearing House, or maybe it is the lottery, or I’ll find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. And there are lots of those here in Oregon because it  rains quite often.

Meanwhile, my brakes are not what they should be, and the fan belt is making noise. But the Angels said I’m going to have a new van.  So, do I wait for my new van or do I repair my old van? Well, I think I’ll wait for a while and see if I’m going to get my new car this month, or is it this week? Maybe I’ll even go test drive the new vans and see what is available and see how it drives. After all I KNOW I am going to be shopping for a new car because the Angels said I’m going to get one.
Do you see the insanity here? The Angels for me could be the equivalent of your boss saying a new division is opening and you will be chosen for that new division. Or perhaps it could be your spouse telling you that they are getting a raise so you will be able to do that vacation you’ve been wanting. Or perhaps it is a parent telling you that you will have a new bike for Christmas. Whoever is telling you is giving you a preview of a coming attraction. It is not in your ‘now.’

In your movie of life, are you living in your “now”, or are you trying to live in your “preview” that is not here yet? I realized that I had one foot in my “now” and the other in my “preview.” Of course, when you do not have both your feet firmly planted on the ground, you are definitely at risk of falling, and I did, emotionally.  A definite face plant.
I subsequently had a chat with Archangel Chamuel, and he told me that this is a common phenomenon of psychics or anyone who has access to beings in a higher a realm. Unless you can differentiate between your “now” and your “preview”, you will always be in confusion and unhappiness. There is no gratitude, unless you are in your “now.” But I realize that I have also done this with others who gave me previews. This has been a pattern in my life. Some call it daydreaming and others call it fantasizing. As long as you are not “living” there with either one foot or two, you are okay. You have your feet and the rest of you including your imagination in your now.

So I went to Sears, to get my van repaired. They discovered a broken motor mount, which was causing the problem with the fan belt and they took some rocks and dirt out of the brakes. I am now living in my “now”, driving safely and taking care of business here in the third dimension.
I am also aware that I have seen a preview of a coming attraction, but I do not know when that particular movie is going to start. It’s raining today, so I don’t think I’ll get my van washed, but on the first sunshiny day, I think I’ll do that, unless, of course…. the new movie has started.



I haven’t written for a while, due to more illness.  However, yes, I am alive. And yes, I am finally well. Before I came into this life time I was told by the angels that  I decided to create things in threes, such as: life-threatening diseases, spans of life, pneumonia and several other things. I guess I thought I was Wonder Woman at the time.

The three life-threatening diseases were alcoholism, cancer, and heart disease. At this point in time, all three are stopped. The cancer was active until 1972; alcoholism until 1978 and the heart problems are now under control in 2013. The heart problems kicked in full blast in 2009 when I ended up in the hospital with four heart problems and hypertension and ultimately lost my computer career.

At that time I was devastated and did not realize that was the best thing that could possibly have ever happened to me. According to the Angels, it is the only way they could get me to slow down long enough to hear that I truly needed to change careers. They basically said they had to hit me over the head with a spiritual baseball bat and pound me to my knees. Whatever they did, it was and is now a blessing.

I have been trying and/or struggling for four years with the angels to find the answers or cure for my five heart issues. My body is extremely sensitive to light, noise and chemicals, so I have worked my way through about 50 medications to find meds that will work in addition to having an ablation done last November. It has not been an easy road; several times I thought for sure I was going to die and actually went to the light. But I was not done and I still am not done, so God sent me back so I can write our angel books, the blog, and tweets.

Finding the last two drugs for me in retrospect was pretty funny. I had tried seven different beta blockers, some of them two or three times, and, of course, I had stated I was NEVER, EVER going to take another beta blocker, as long as I lived. We all know 'whatever we resist persists,' and the beta blockers did – persist, that is. I had several instances when taking them where I rushed to the hospital with some sort of arrhythmia or where they slowed my body down so far, I did not get enough oxygen to my brain, and could not think or reason. So I was basically terrified of taking another because I would have to go to the hospital.

At the tail end of February, I got a cold that turned into bronchitis and then I got shingles. My blood pressure was off the charts with an average of 200/100 and I was scared spitless. This had been going on for over three weeks, and one morning in March, when I got up the Angels told me to pack my suitcase because I was going to the hospital. They told me to call the doctor and go see him first, so I did as told.

I do not have a clue how I drove from the house to the doctor and remember almost fainting in the elevator to get to his office. I had to hold on to the wall to get there and told the nurse I probably should have gone to the hospital instead. So I have this picture in my head of the Angels driving my car  with many hanging on the outside and top because they won't all fit inside.

From the doctor, I was taken directly to the hospital by Zora and a trainee and they kindly stopped to get my hospital bag out of the car. Several of the 8 days in the hospital were used for drug testing to find medications that would work and a couple more that didn’t.

The first miracle that happened was when Dr. Sharifi of Bay Valley Medical in Hayward, Ca. and Kerwin [my heroes] were talking to me and suggesting I should take a beta blocker. Of course, my reaction was NO, I’m not going there because I don’t want to go to the hospital. I believe Kerwin said something like: ‘I don’t know if you know this Marge, but you are already in the hospital, so why don’t you give it a try?”    It is still funny, and in spite of my fear, I agreed and the beta blocker is working, wonderfully, with no side effects.

The second miracle was Dr. Sharifi took the weekend off and sent his trusty sidekick, Dr. Mehta to take care of me. Dr. Mehta came in and stated he had studied my case and the drug reaction spreadsheets and charts I had made. He suggested a drug I had not taken and explained why he thought it would work.  So, I agreed and it is working also.  There are many others I thank and bless as well, who helped during my four year journey, but I thank God and the angels for these two doctors who actually took extra time and cared enough to go above and beyond the norm to research how to help me heal my body. I wish both of them MANY, MANY BLESSINGS!

So, all three of my diseases are now taken care of. After I was out of the hospital, I was told about my three spans of life, much to my wonderment. I am to live until I am 106 and I have known that since I was about nine or ten years old. The first third of my life was programed with abuse and disease, and both cancer and alcoholism had appeared by age 35. The second third of my life was finding my spiritual path and starting the third disease by age 70. The final third of my life is to heal the last disease and then live happily ever after and I have now begun that phase with the healing of my heart.  So, I say, bring on the rest of the happily ever after part…. I mean…. Bring it on…….. And, of course, I KNOW more will be revealed about whatever else I have created in threes…..



PART 2 By Metatron

There is no pecking order, so to speak, but there are different levels of expertise, learning, knowledge, skill, and patterns. The existing Angels are going through their own set or sets of evolution, even as you humans are. At times before you leave the Bardo, you decide you want to be an Angel this time and or perhaps a guide, a spirit guide, a cherub or a human. All of these are bodies that you can choose to operate from in any given lifetime. Each type of body from human, to cherub, to Angel, to Guardian Angel, to any other type of being that has a soul, has patterns. Your patterns as a human have to do with what you choose to experience. Before you come into embodiment from the Bardo, you choose approximately 20 things to experience. As an Angel, a cherub, or any of the above mentioned beings, the number of patterns varies or decreases depending upon the type of embodiment. So, there is no pecking order, there are simply levels of expertise that you may access.

Some people choose to have spirit guides as their helpmate to their physical body. Others choose to work with several groups from Angels, to Guardian Angels, to Archangels, or perhaps Ascended Masters. Some people choose to use a guide that is from one of the realms slightly above humans but not as great as that of Angels. A great deal of discussion about the ranking of Angels will be in book 3.


Angels have programs the same as all of us with a soul have. We create our own programs and we create our own experiences. That means none of us is perfect whether we as Angels, or you as humans but the requirements are different. To be at a higher level such as an angel is to be much higher in integrity than being a human. For example, as Angels, Guardian Angels or Archangels, we are not allowed to lie. If we do, we are removed from that position in a very short amount of time. You could say it is a death sentence if it was in your world.

NOTE FROM MARJORIE: In book 1, I describe how I hooked up with an alien named Rikki I. He told me that he was an Angel to another planet not our planet, so I assumed he was an angel because at that time I did not know there was a difference. Silly me!

He started helping me to write newsletters, write books, etc. I got so comfortable with him, I invited him to share my space and basically move in with me. However, he got so enchanted with the amount of power that I gave him; he quickly went into a power-hungry, or power crazy identity. He put himself literally in front of me, so people had to go through him to get to me or I had to go through him to get the Angels. My life was becoming smaller and smaller and smaller because he was taking more and more and more of my energy. With the help of another psychic, I was able to get rid of the programming that allowed him to take over my life. He was then banned from my life and that life for him was discontinued.

I was devastated and felt betrayed but was reminded to remember that it was a co-creation with him. I am extremely grateful this happened for a couple of reasons. I would not be who I am, ‘the angel lady’ without having had Rikki in at least two of my lives. I also acknowledge he did a lot of good for the people on this planet especially helping me become a healer in this lifetime and starting the books. He was like a springboard for me and I became incredibly fond of him.  He had a wonderful sense of humor.  One day we were playing golf, and he asked to play.  It was truly a fun memory.

Secondly, this experience showed me that I needed to learn protection and that it is not necessarily safe to connect to lower-level beings or at least DO NOT invite them to move in. Because of this experience, I now choose only to connect to Angels, Guardian Angels, and Archangels or Ascended Masters. All of those are at much higher levels than guides, totems, nature spirits, spiritual guides, etc.


A prophet or a saint is considered an ascended master. An ascended master is below an Angel, a Guardian Angel, Archangel Acolytes and lastly an Archangel, so there is a hierarchy of Angels because of their skill levels etc. Any or all of these beings have the ability to ask for God's ‘divine’ mercy.

More information about angels will be in the next blog as well as published in Books 1 & 3.



People occasionally ask me questions about angels, so these next three issues will be their answers to some of those questions rather than about my journey with them. I also decided that when it is a channel from one of the angelics, I will put it in blue and italicize it for easy recognition, of who is who in this zoo. As always, more will be revealed.


Depending upon your individual programming as the channel and their individual programming as the listener or the person receiving the reading, the information could be totally right or totally wrong.

We as angels can only give correct information. Like anything you do in your human lifetime, it is your decision as to whether information is something you want to accept or not.

We do not guarantee any results on healing. We are the go-between between yourself and God. We are his messengers. We do much work for him; however the ultimate outcome is in what you may call ‘His Hands’ depending on your belief structure. All creations come to pass, but not necessarily in your existing lifetime. So, whatever it is that you are asking for will happen. You are the initiator of the creation but the ‘when’ and the ‘how’ are up to what you call: God, The All That Is, your Higher Power, Buddha, or whatever name you attach to that ultimate power. So, is it wise to take the info with a grain of salt? That is up to you.

Basically depending upon your expectations of the channel or if you are coming direct to us Angels, it still depends upon your expectations, your projections and your assumptions. You are the receiver of the information and depending on how much in ‘neutral’ you are, determine how clear the information coming through will be. The more you can be in a neutral position when you are listening, the more you will absorb accurate information.

When you have an idea that you want something, or perhaps you want something desperately, the information you receive will likely be skewed. It is our suggestion that before you open sacred space to connect with us, or as soon as you connect with us, ask us to get your ‘stuff’ out of your way. If you are getting to us through some sort of channel ask that your ‘stuff’ be taken out of the way.

It can be as simple as you have three pairs of glasses. One set of glasses is clear. You see what is there. A second set of glasses has a rosy tint to it and leads you to believe that everything is happily happening. The third set of glasses is tinted brown, or a grayish brown. Through this set of glasses everything appears to be gloom and doom. So the idea is to put on the clearest set of glasses, getting your expectations, your assumptions, and your projections out of your own way, so that you can receive the most accurate information.

It is said that someone who is always talking whether mentally or physically is not listening or cannot hear. It is also said, that you have two ears and one mouth for a reason.

From Marjorie: Toni and I were talking, about my wanting to move back to Oregon full time just prior to this channel. The angels have been repeatedly saying I’m going to do that very soon! So, when the angels said they always told the truth, Toni said ‘Aha! What’s all this whining and crying about not being able to go to Oregon, if they always tell the truth?

Well, I didn’t shoot Toni, the messenger, but I wanted to, so I hooked up and asked Raphael, his opinion.

Raphael said: Well, you will probably want to shoot this messenger as well! 


007 The I goes before us

I got to thinking about “mothering”, and what that means to any and all of us.  So, men, don’t stop reading now, because this includes you. 

Each of us is the “mother” of our own inventions and/or creations.  We create our own worlds, and what is in them, by what we choose to think and do.  At church some time back, the head dude – also called the minister – was doing this thing called a “sermon” but he wasn’t on the mount, he was on a platform.  I got carried away in the sermon, I think it is called “wool gathering” in some circles, and wondered what it would be like to have heard a sermon a thousand years ago.  There I was perched on a rocky stretch of ground, no chair, no acoustical system, no beautiful building, but I bet the message would have been similar. 

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  Give and you will receive.  But one of the things that came through was something somewhat different this time.  The head dude started talking about “I go before you to prepare the way”, and I got a totally different perspective on this whole thing.  At first, I was reflecting that it was the EYE..because I was hearing him, not seeing it in print and then reflected on how we see things in front of us.  And so I played with that in my mind for a bit.  What I “see” is from my point of view, which may be entirely different than from YOUR point of view.  But if the EYE goes before you, then whatever you are seeing is through your own filters. So, if you have some really brown filters on today, you could end up with a bad day, or when you put on the rosy pink glowy ones, you could have a really good day.  And how you are viewing things through those filters is what you are going to assume is true and act accordingly, thereby creating a certain type of experience.

Then, I thought of  ANOTHER perspective. The “I” goes before you to prepare the way… So, to me that meant my speech… What if I were to say “I am rich’… then “am rich” goes before me to prepare the way for this “I” to have a rich experience. 

Or what if I were to say “ I am poor”.. then that “I” would be out there preparing poor.  If we are what we think, and I am thinking “poor” and saying “poor” well, maybe I’d better be heading down to the liquor store before I get too poor, so I can pour myself another drink because I’ll be so deep in the pity pot I may never get myself out and for sure I’d want to drown my sorrows. Well, actually I would have if I was still drinking….

Ah well, I had fun doing playing in my brain anyway.  But what if…. The “I” goes……before us…….?



006 - Happy New Year - 2013

Happy New Year!

Santa still loves me so I must have been a good girl last year.  And, of course, there are now the New Year’s resolutions to do. 
So first off, I will attempt to be good again in this year 2013. 

2. I will have fun.
3. I will work on the angel books, hopefully finishing at least one of the allotted 29, the first of which will be #0. Everyone else starts with book #1, so I am going to lead the pack. This is a book of charts for either self-healing or for helping others using a pendulum.  There are two healing methods available.

4. I will love.
5. I will eat – perhaps more sensibly but certainly have at least one really good splurge.

6. I will find at least one more best friend and be a really good friend to that person.  Kerwin just peered over my shoulder and says these are not bad resolutions for a girl.  Ah well…
7. I’ll do my best in all my affairs and that is enough.

So, now let’s visit numerology because the year changed and this is another part of what I do.  Last year was a 5 [2+0+1+2=5] which was a bridge.  Bridges take you from one side of something to the other, so it was a time of change and I don’t know about you but I am not the same person I was a year ago.  I did some major healing work on myself, not to mention working with others.  Many things took place that were life changing for many of us.  And now we get to move on to the next.
2013 is a ‘6’ year which is ‘love.’ Jophiel wants to channel a bit here about this…. She says:

Love is the center of all things.  This can be a time for you to be that which you want to be and love it. A time to do what you want to do and love it, however, the love comes first.  So, love that and become it would actually be the way to state it correctly.  When you are in ‘love’ magical things happen and being ‘in love’ doesn’t mean romantically, it means being in the mode of loving.  You can love typing on your computer or gardening, or walking down a tree lined street enjoying the sky between the branches. So, this a year where it is possible to create great new things for yourself by simply loving.  Wake up loving your bed and how warm and comfy it is.  Love your hot shower and how good the water feels on your body.  Love your commute, whether it is in a vehicle going somewhere or a one minute commute to your easy chair.  Love is the key to creating more of what you want, and the center of that is to just be – LOVE.
And, so it is!