

Many times when I am talking with the Angels, they tell me and show me things that are coming in the future. Sometimes those things are for you, and sometimes they are for me. In any event, they are events that are not happening right now.

It is like being in a movie watching the film and today you are physically in the theater. You are sitting in the seat. You are eating popcorn. And you are going to watch a movie. That is your ‘now.’  Then on the screen comes a preview of coming attractions. This one is an advertisement for a new car. It is glorious. It is the color that you love, it has many features that you want, including a tow package. It has surround sound, a moon roof, heated seats, and a heated steering wheel. It suggests that this could be your new vehicle. And the dreams begin.

Several months ago the Angels told me that I am going to get a luxurious new car. And of course, it happens to be the one in this preview. It is much nicer than my existing vehicle, which is 13 years old. I paid cash for the luxury van that I currently have, that had all the bells and whistles available then, including the sun and moon roof. I no longer have my corporate America income and I do not want to go in debt to purchase another newer luxury van. I have other things I choose to do with my  discretionary money, besides make a car payment. So I cannot imagine how I am going to get this new van. BUT the Angels said it is happening. First they said soon. Then they said I was on the cusp. Now they are saying it is momentarily pending.  Oh boy, I am getting closer and closer.  It is any minute.  Perhaps someone is even going to deliver it to my door??? I know I am going to win the Publishers Clearing House, or maybe it is the lottery, or I’ll find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. And there are lots of those here in Oregon because it  rains quite often.

Meanwhile, my brakes are not what they should be, and the fan belt is making noise. But the Angels said I’m going to have a new van.  So, do I wait for my new van or do I repair my old van? Well, I think I’ll wait for a while and see if I’m going to get my new car this month, or is it this week? Maybe I’ll even go test drive the new vans and see what is available and see how it drives. After all I KNOW I am going to be shopping for a new car because the Angels said I’m going to get one.
Do you see the insanity here? The Angels for me could be the equivalent of your boss saying a new division is opening and you will be chosen for that new division. Or perhaps it could be your spouse telling you that they are getting a raise so you will be able to do that vacation you’ve been wanting. Or perhaps it is a parent telling you that you will have a new bike for Christmas. Whoever is telling you is giving you a preview of a coming attraction. It is not in your ‘now.’

In your movie of life, are you living in your “now”, or are you trying to live in your “preview” that is not here yet? I realized that I had one foot in my “now” and the other in my “preview.” Of course, when you do not have both your feet firmly planted on the ground, you are definitely at risk of falling, and I did, emotionally.  A definite face plant.
I subsequently had a chat with Archangel Chamuel, and he told me that this is a common phenomenon of psychics or anyone who has access to beings in a higher a realm. Unless you can differentiate between your “now” and your “preview”, you will always be in confusion and unhappiness. There is no gratitude, unless you are in your “now.” But I realize that I have also done this with others who gave me previews. This has been a pattern in my life. Some call it daydreaming and others call it fantasizing. As long as you are not “living” there with either one foot or two, you are okay. You have your feet and the rest of you including your imagination in your now.

So I went to Sears, to get my van repaired. They discovered a broken motor mount, which was causing the problem with the fan belt and they took some rocks and dirt out of the brakes. I am now living in my “now”, driving safely and taking care of business here in the third dimension.
I am also aware that I have seen a preview of a coming attraction, but I do not know when that particular movie is going to start. It’s raining today, so I don’t think I’ll get my van washed, but on the first sunshiny day, I think I’ll do that, unless, of course…. the new movie has started.

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