
006 - Happy New Year - 2013

Happy New Year!

Santa still loves me so I must have been a good girl last year.  And, of course, there are now the New Year’s resolutions to do. 
So first off, I will attempt to be good again in this year 2013. 

2. I will have fun.
3. I will work on the angel books, hopefully finishing at least one of the allotted 29, the first of which will be #0. Everyone else starts with book #1, so I am going to lead the pack. This is a book of charts for either self-healing or for helping others using a pendulum.  There are two healing methods available.

4. I will love.
5. I will eat – perhaps more sensibly but certainly have at least one really good splurge.

6. I will find at least one more best friend and be a really good friend to that person.  Kerwin just peered over my shoulder and says these are not bad resolutions for a girl.  Ah well…
7. I’ll do my best in all my affairs and that is enough.

So, now let’s visit numerology because the year changed and this is another part of what I do.  Last year was a 5 [2+0+1+2=5] which was a bridge.  Bridges take you from one side of something to the other, so it was a time of change and I don’t know about you but I am not the same person I was a year ago.  I did some major healing work on myself, not to mention working with others.  Many things took place that were life changing for many of us.  And now we get to move on to the next.
2013 is a ‘6’ year which is ‘love.’ Jophiel wants to channel a bit here about this…. She says:

Love is the center of all things.  This can be a time for you to be that which you want to be and love it. A time to do what you want to do and love it, however, the love comes first.  So, love that and become it would actually be the way to state it correctly.  When you are in ‘love’ magical things happen and being ‘in love’ doesn’t mean romantically, it means being in the mode of loving.  You can love typing on your computer or gardening, or walking down a tree lined street enjoying the sky between the branches. So, this a year where it is possible to create great new things for yourself by simply loving.  Wake up loving your bed and how warm and comfy it is.  Love your hot shower and how good the water feels on your body.  Love your commute, whether it is in a vehicle going somewhere or a one minute commute to your easy chair.  Love is the key to creating more of what you want, and the center of that is to just be – LOVE.
And, so it is!

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