

By Archangel Raphael

We told you about the test where there are 20 questions on the test. Someone misses one and to you they had one wrong.  You concentrate on the one wrong not on the 19 or 95 per cent that were right. You do the same thing in your life. You concentrate on the one thing that is wrong instead of being in gratitude that so many things are going correctly.

Some time ago you were totally in gratitude and everything was coming up roses in your world or at least that was the way you felt. That is where you need to be. That is what you need to be doing: concentrating on what is right. When you do this personal work, of course, we are going to be looking for what is wrong, but in your daily life you want to concentrate on what is going right.

So if you are one of the folks who like to play the right/wrong game, do the following to heal it:

Ask God to assist Raphael to help you eliminate this programming.

Say: Open sacred space and connect me to Raphael:

Say: Raphael, remove the right/wrong game programming from any and all lifetimes for me up to and including this one.  Do forgivenesses for all, including me. Eliminate the entire creation.  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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