

I haven’t written for a while, due to more illness.  However, yes, I am alive. And yes, I am finally well. Before I came into this life time I was told by the angels that  I decided to create things in threes, such as: life-threatening diseases, spans of life, pneumonia and several other things. I guess I thought I was Wonder Woman at the time.

The three life-threatening diseases were alcoholism, cancer, and heart disease. At this point in time, all three are stopped. The cancer was active until 1972; alcoholism until 1978 and the heart problems are now under control in 2013. The heart problems kicked in full blast in 2009 when I ended up in the hospital with four heart problems and hypertension and ultimately lost my computer career.

At that time I was devastated and did not realize that was the best thing that could possibly have ever happened to me. According to the Angels, it is the only way they could get me to slow down long enough to hear that I truly needed to change careers. They basically said they had to hit me over the head with a spiritual baseball bat and pound me to my knees. Whatever they did, it was and is now a blessing.

I have been trying and/or struggling for four years with the angels to find the answers or cure for my five heart issues. My body is extremely sensitive to light, noise and chemicals, so I have worked my way through about 50 medications to find meds that will work in addition to having an ablation done last November. It has not been an easy road; several times I thought for sure I was going to die and actually went to the light. But I was not done and I still am not done, so God sent me back so I can write our angel books, the blog, and tweets.

Finding the last two drugs for me in retrospect was pretty funny. I had tried seven different beta blockers, some of them two or three times, and, of course, I had stated I was NEVER, EVER going to take another beta blocker, as long as I lived. We all know 'whatever we resist persists,' and the beta blockers did – persist, that is. I had several instances when taking them where I rushed to the hospital with some sort of arrhythmia or where they slowed my body down so far, I did not get enough oxygen to my brain, and could not think or reason. So I was basically terrified of taking another because I would have to go to the hospital.

At the tail end of February, I got a cold that turned into bronchitis and then I got shingles. My blood pressure was off the charts with an average of 200/100 and I was scared spitless. This had been going on for over three weeks, and one morning in March, when I got up the Angels told me to pack my suitcase because I was going to the hospital. They told me to call the doctor and go see him first, so I did as told.

I do not have a clue how I drove from the house to the doctor and remember almost fainting in the elevator to get to his office. I had to hold on to the wall to get there and told the nurse I probably should have gone to the hospital instead. So I have this picture in my head of the Angels driving my car  with many hanging on the outside and top because they won't all fit inside.

From the doctor, I was taken directly to the hospital by Zora and a trainee and they kindly stopped to get my hospital bag out of the car. Several of the 8 days in the hospital were used for drug testing to find medications that would work and a couple more that didn’t.

The first miracle that happened was when Dr. Sharifi of Bay Valley Medical in Hayward, Ca. and Kerwin [my heroes] were talking to me and suggesting I should take a beta blocker. Of course, my reaction was NO, I’m not going there because I don’t want to go to the hospital. I believe Kerwin said something like: ‘I don’t know if you know this Marge, but you are already in the hospital, so why don’t you give it a try?”    It is still funny, and in spite of my fear, I agreed and the beta blocker is working, wonderfully, with no side effects.

The second miracle was Dr. Sharifi took the weekend off and sent his trusty sidekick, Dr. Mehta to take care of me. Dr. Mehta came in and stated he had studied my case and the drug reaction spreadsheets and charts I had made. He suggested a drug I had not taken and explained why he thought it would work.  So, I agreed and it is working also.  There are many others I thank and bless as well, who helped during my four year journey, but I thank God and the angels for these two doctors who actually took extra time and cared enough to go above and beyond the norm to research how to help me heal my body. I wish both of them MANY, MANY BLESSINGS!

So, all three of my diseases are now taken care of. After I was out of the hospital, I was told about my three spans of life, much to my wonderment. I am to live until I am 106 and I have known that since I was about nine or ten years old. The first third of my life was programed with abuse and disease, and both cancer and alcoholism had appeared by age 35. The second third of my life was finding my spiritual path and starting the third disease by age 70. The final third of my life is to heal the last disease and then live happily ever after and I have now begun that phase with the healing of my heart.  So, I say, bring on the rest of the happily ever after part…. I mean…. Bring it on…….. And, of course, I KNOW more will be revealed about whatever else I have created in threes…..

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