

People occasionally ask me questions about angels, so these next three issues will be their answers to some of those questions rather than about my journey with them. I also decided that when it is a channel from one of the angelics, I will put it in blue and italicize it for easy recognition, of who is who in this zoo. As always, more will be revealed.


Depending upon your individual programming as the channel and their individual programming as the listener or the person receiving the reading, the information could be totally right or totally wrong.

We as angels can only give correct information. Like anything you do in your human lifetime, it is your decision as to whether information is something you want to accept or not.

We do not guarantee any results on healing. We are the go-between between yourself and God. We are his messengers. We do much work for him; however the ultimate outcome is in what you may call ‘His Hands’ depending on your belief structure. All creations come to pass, but not necessarily in your existing lifetime. So, whatever it is that you are asking for will happen. You are the initiator of the creation but the ‘when’ and the ‘how’ are up to what you call: God, The All That Is, your Higher Power, Buddha, or whatever name you attach to that ultimate power. So, is it wise to take the info with a grain of salt? That is up to you.

Basically depending upon your expectations of the channel or if you are coming direct to us Angels, it still depends upon your expectations, your projections and your assumptions. You are the receiver of the information and depending on how much in ‘neutral’ you are, determine how clear the information coming through will be. The more you can be in a neutral position when you are listening, the more you will absorb accurate information.

When you have an idea that you want something, or perhaps you want something desperately, the information you receive will likely be skewed. It is our suggestion that before you open sacred space to connect with us, or as soon as you connect with us, ask us to get your ‘stuff’ out of your way. If you are getting to us through some sort of channel ask that your ‘stuff’ be taken out of the way.

It can be as simple as you have three pairs of glasses. One set of glasses is clear. You see what is there. A second set of glasses has a rosy tint to it and leads you to believe that everything is happily happening. The third set of glasses is tinted brown, or a grayish brown. Through this set of glasses everything appears to be gloom and doom. So the idea is to put on the clearest set of glasses, getting your expectations, your assumptions, and your projections out of your own way, so that you can receive the most accurate information.

It is said that someone who is always talking whether mentally or physically is not listening or cannot hear. It is also said, that you have two ears and one mouth for a reason.

From Marjorie: Toni and I were talking, about my wanting to move back to Oregon full time just prior to this channel. The angels have been repeatedly saying I’m going to do that very soon! So, when the angels said they always told the truth, Toni said ‘Aha! What’s all this whining and crying about not being able to go to Oregon, if they always tell the truth?

Well, I didn’t shoot Toni, the messenger, but I wanted to, so I hooked up and asked Raphael, his opinion.

Raphael said: Well, you will probably want to shoot this messenger as well! 

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