

Once again the angels have suggested I change direction in a number of areas which is why you haven’t heard from me.   Some of them are:

1.      Found out I have insulin resistance syndrome. Not fun. The resistance backs your systems up instead of allowing things to flow, so you: gain weight around the middle and are unable to get rid of it, become tired or exhausted, have little or no energy, get brain fog so you can’t think, get arthritis, high blood pressure and perhaps heart or diabetes problems. Oh joy, oh rapture.  The cure for me is twofold. Get angel help and go on this extreme diet which is:

2.      Diet – Low Glycemic Diet. No potatoes, corn, sugar, caffeine, grains [which means no bread, pasta or good stuff but the angels said I could still eat rice], deep fried anything; cheese, minimal dairy and packaged goods because they have lots of chemicals in them, soda’s, pineapple, melon, raisins, squash, and….. Anything else on the glycemic list that is 56 or higher. Well now, you ask or at least I did. What is left?  Most fruit, most vegies, and meat, fish and poultry. You just have it plain: no breading or sauces, etc. K has been diagnosed with early diabetes, so we decided when we got to Cal., we would start the diet, and did. [Similar to Scarborough Medical or South Beach diets but more stringent.] He has lost about 10 pounds and I have lost 7, but we both feel incredibly better, brain fog gone, BP is down and I have already reduced one of my BP meds and am ready to reduce another because yesterday I got a reading of 86/58 which is way too low for a big girl like me.

3.      I had a nasty fall on the 4th of July…not exactly the freedom I wanted. Angels said I triggered an accident program while walking looking for my car, and I fell over a speed bump and broke a front tooth, stopped my watch, dislocated my collar bone, and sprained or strained my right rotor cuff, which is mostly why I have not been blogging. The drugs take away all thoughts about writing, you can’t type anyway and you can’t think anyway because you are bumping along on the ceiling. Oh yeah….  But, now a month later, I have a temporary bridge and have been going to a great chiropractor in Fremont, named Joe Joly who is incredible.  So, I am well on the way to recovering. As you notice, I am typing and I think mostly making sense???

4.      Create a new E-zine…or E-letter? And I said what the ^*&$&# is an Ezine?  It is a magazine created on the internet delivered by email rather than being printed out and sent to you by snail mail.  I have had many former readers of my newsletters ask for me to start a newsletter again, so I am going to. This blog will become more personal in nature and the angel and informational articles will be sent by Ezine. However, since mine will be in the form of a newsletter, I am going to do an E-letter rather than an Ezine.  It will probably be a few weeks because I need to move back north which takes a couple of weeks to pack and unpack and settle in, but I will add your names to my mailing list. Of course, you can opt out if you choose but hopefully you will want to get your friends to sign up and be part of my angel team as well.

So, everyone, I have now bared my soul, am no longer guilty because I wasn’t writing and will get going on the Eletter formatting and creation.  I am once again, a ‘Happy Camper’ and I hope you are too, as we ‘trudge the Road of Happy Destiny‘ but I think I’ll skip for a while if the angels and I can keep my feet under me where they belong…...

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