
You say you want Peace?

Jeremiel says:

If you want peace, you have to be peaceful, which means most of all, to be peaceful inside yourself. Look at your beliefs and see where you are at war inside of you, with part of you wanting one thing and part of you wanting another or maybe you feel like you live in a war zone. If this is the case, you are in resistance and not accepting or allowing what is.  

Look at what you are resisting and turn it around, so you are allowing.  Example: I don't want to be angry, or mad, or sad, or upset; could be changed to: I want to be peaceful. Then start doing things that support that decision. Do something nice for someone, even if it is only a smile, or a pleasant greeting. Maybe a neighbor or friend is ill and can't go to the store or dump the garbage. Maybe a co-worker just needs someone to listen for 6 minutes. Maybe it is putting back the grocery cart at the supermarket, especially in the rain. Most of all, do something nice for yourself, even if it is only taking 5 minutes to just sit and be without having to "Do" something. JUST BE.... P E A C E F U L. Then repeat and repeat and repeat... Remember, the thoughts we nurture, grow.... and Grow and.... GROW! And our thoughts become things.


Feeling Good

by Archangel Ariel

If feeling good is your goal, you can always succeed, as there is always something to be grateful for. 


Uncertain Times

by Jeshua

In uncertain times whoever you are, wherever you are, you can start changing your experience, by saying: All is well. I'm satisfied and feeling good and tomorrow will even be better.


Pathways of Personal Power, A book channeled from the angels

Marge the Angel Lady always wanted to help people heal and subsequently connected with the angels and learned how to channel. She lovingly passes along this information via this website while working and playing with the angels, playing cards, crocheting, painting and being a snow-bird on the West Coast. The teachings of an angelic entity named Samara are channeled through her. Many other angelics such as Archangels Raphael, Ariel, Michael, Haniel, Gabriel, Jeshua, Chamuel, Zadkiel, Jophiel, Uriel, Raguel and Jeremial have also contributed their writings in this book to assist you, as well. "Pathways of Personal Power - Finding My Way' is the first of the 21 Samara books series being published by Balboa Press.

The teachings in the book offers information, insights, advice and practical techniques and exercises to help readers make profound changes in their life, by clearing out those old ways of thinking or acting including habit patterns, blockages, limitations, negativity and other resistance, they may not even know they have. It also explains how they got here, the choices they made and how to reprogram themselves to encourage and attract what they want in life, so they can have what they prefer now.

This book offers angel help to release your problem areas and tells you how to discover the things that you have programmed so they can be removed," the author explains. "Once the blocks that you have programmed have been removed, you can go happily go on your way to whatever else you want to experience. To purchase the book, click on the link below.



By Jeshua

If you want peace, you must be peaceful, which means letting go of resistance. When you notice you are against something, decide instead you want to be peaceful. That situation is what it is. You do not have to internalize it, or be upset about it, or be angry at it, or hate it, or protest it, or anything. You can simply notice all that is happening - over there. Meanwhile, I am okay right here. We know that does not seem like it will work, but the outside of your skin is the physical boundary of you. So, anything outside of you, can be considered over there. If you are in a life-threatening situation, of course, you would take measures to get out of that situation, but we're talking the everyday things as you go about your everyday life.

That is over there and you are here in the now. Let go of expectations, assumptions, projections and resistance, about that over there. Just allow it to be, knowing that its programs are working perfectly, just as your programs are working perfectly. And everything in your world is happening for you and your programming.
They are players in the play of your life and you are the writer, editor, director, actor and you get to choose how your play is being scripted.

So, we suggest that you choose feeling good, and allow that over there to be, whatever it is being.


046 Uncertain Times

In uncertain times whoever you are, wherever you are, you can start changing your experience, by saying: All is well. I'm satisfied and feeling good and tomorrow will even be better.


046 Resistance

When you are in resistance to something, it is like banging your head on the proverbial wall. You can keep banging all you want, but nothing happens, except you get a headache. The problem you are trying to change is still the same; it is still there, in your head, driving you crazy. What you resist persists. What you want to go will grow.


045 Goodness

Chamuel says:   Goodness is something only you can pass on through your own intention.  If you intend to do good or be good, you will. Without goodness, your life will not be rich or happy.


044 Feeling Good

Jeshua says: It is our suggestion that you put your attention on feeling good, whatever that means to you. The thing that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. The things that make you smile inside. The things that make your stomach relax and your body relax. By doing this you will let go of resistance of all types, stress of all types and start allowing your body and your life to improve. Stop looking for things that are wrong and start looking for things that feel good.