
You say you want Peace?

Jeremiel says:

If you want peace, you have to be peaceful, which means most of all, to be peaceful inside yourself. Look at your beliefs and see where you are at war inside of you, with part of you wanting one thing and part of you wanting another or maybe you feel like you live in a war zone. If this is the case, you are in resistance and not accepting or allowing what is.  

Look at what you are resisting and turn it around, so you are allowing.  Example: I don't want to be angry, or mad, or sad, or upset; could be changed to: I want to be peaceful. Then start doing things that support that decision. Do something nice for someone, even if it is only a smile, or a pleasant greeting. Maybe a neighbor or friend is ill and can't go to the store or dump the garbage. Maybe a co-worker just needs someone to listen for 6 minutes. Maybe it is putting back the grocery cart at the supermarket, especially in the rain. Most of all, do something nice for yourself, even if it is only taking 5 minutes to just sit and be without having to "Do" something. JUST BE.... P E A C E F U L. Then repeat and repeat and repeat... Remember, the thoughts we nurture, grow.... and Grow and.... GROW! And our thoughts become things.

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