

by Archangel Raguel... Friend of God

FUD [Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt] is a selling technique whereby the seller intentionally creates FEAR in you via a presentation of verbal, mental or visual pictures so you will do what they want you to do. They create the problem [FEAR] and provide you with a solution [their idea, their group, their cause, or their product].

Some fear examples being currently presented by sellers in order to get what they desire are:

Power & Control – join their organization, group, or cause

  • I will get stuck with socialism, voter fraud, higher taxes, COVID-19 controls, or gun control, etc., unless I join the Republicans
  • I will get stuck with capitalism, higher national debt, restrictions on abortion or  immigration, increased military spending & the loss of moral values, etc., unless I join Democrats 
  • I will get stuck with global warming, oceans full of plastic, and be broke, etc. unless I join the Independents
  • I will go to hell, unless I join their religious organization
  • I will be lonely unless I join their club

Money – buy their product or service – often using ‘sex sells’ ingredients

  •  I won’t get right partner unless I buy ‘it.’
  •  I won’t get be healthy unless I buy ‘it.’
  •  I won’t get handsome/beautiful unless I buy ‘it.’
  •  My kids won’t be happy unless they go to the right school, or I buy them electronics, games, clothes, etc., another ‘it.’
  •  My dog/cat/pet won’t be healthy unless I buy ‘it.’

By now you are starting to get the picture. They capitalize on your  fear and provide their solution.

You can actually make a game out of this to help yourself recognize FUD. The next time you turn on the TV listen to whoever is speaking and decide for yourself whether they are peddling FUD (fear) or pleasure. Figure out what the fear is or how many fears in that one ad, or speech, and then figure their solution for you.  Do this for a couple of hours and make a list.

Then decide if you want to continue listening to that speaker or ad or choose to find something or someone else that provides you a pleasurable outcome rather than the subliminal coerced outcome they want. You will be amazed by how much fear is being ‘gifted’ to you.  This is not helping you be happier or healthier. It is just a coverup for fear.

Remember, what you resist will persist. That means that fear will come up again and again in a different way, until you actually remove the fear itself.


To eliminate the FUD, and consequential worry, anxiety, self-sabotage and stress programs or programming, say the following release, followed by the blessing, out loud:

Raguel: Eliminate any and all fear, uncertainty, doubt, worry, anxiety, self-sabotage, and stress programs or programming that I have accepted, including all looping, repeating, or chronic programming, so I may decide for myself what I want. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

BLESSING: All is well. I am happy and content.



When someone says something you don’t believe, don’t want to believe, or don’t want any part of, simply say, “Cancel,” and that belief will pass you by. That belief will not be added to your belief structure. You can do this when you see media that uses fear tactics to get you to buy something. You can do it silently or aloud. Perhaps wake up another person. Maybe you are in a group, and gossip starts; you don’t want to walk away, but you don’t want to say anything aloud either. Simply say, “Cancel,” which means you personally do not agree with what is being said.


Corona Connections by Rev. Marge

Hello my friend... Well it is still the Corona times where we get to view these times as a problem or an opportunity to change and grow and hopefully by now you have created new or revised ways of connecting. I have had time to JUST BE and decide what and how I really wanted to connect and Corona gave me the time to discover all of this by stopping everything in its tracks. I personally think that the Edie the Earth Diva also known as the Earth Mother, said: Enough! You are not listening!

I was running pell-mell, hither and thither, being overly busy while running myself into the ground. That stopped and now I am now personally choosing to turn these Corona times into connection opportunities. I learned computer connections and applications such as: Zoom, Duo, PlayOK, and help set others set up those things and so we can all enjoy them. 

I considered retiring as the Angel Lady, and realized I am not even close to retiring from this endeavor. I love working and connecting with the angels and have taken a couple of months off writing & readings but am started again. 

I found that blogging is not it for me, and instead, created time to paint every other day because I love connecting with the colors so much and it is a form of creative healing for me. I also realized how rusty I had become and need to do a tune-up on that as well. I had some health issues that seem to have mostly resolved and have once again reduced my blood pressure medications, so I am down to only 1 pill per day at a low dosage while listening to and connecting with my body. 

I think I am a wannabe gardener and have planted my 3rd crop of posies on the front porch and am watering them daily so they can live this time as I connect with the beauty that Edie the Earth Diva provides.

I also found I needed more structure and have created space for me to do that. And last but not least, Purell is my new favorite fragrance because it is the smell of Freedom.  I use it when I get back in the car after being in a public spot where I connect with worldly people and places. My favorite is a trip to the coast to see the beautiful Pacific.
So, for me the Corona times have helped me connect or reconnect to The All That Is, so I can become more of who I want to be, and I am much happier inside myself and also in my relationship with my sweetie. I hope you have also chosen opportunities to connect rather than resistance as your focus.

I continue to wish you many blessings.

Hugs, Marge



by Archangel Gabriel....

When you want to be connected because you feel you are not, simply stop what you are doing and feel.  Feel all that is around you because there are things to feel. You are never alone. You can go into memory mode and feel the love you had for someone who has crossed over, or simply think about a loved one in your now and the love comes pouring in.  The connection is not missing... you are missing the connection.  Simply change your mind and feel, which is part of being.  Beings feel and think.

However, when you are thinking, you are not feeling.  So, feel, feel, feel when you want connection or love. It is already available to you.  You THINK but I cannot go anywhere, or I cannot see that person, but if you simply change your mind and FEEL them, you can. You can feel love or hate or anger or happiness, etc.  If you do not like the feelings you have when you think of them, perhaps you may want to change that and if the feelings are negative maybe do some forgiveness work. Forgive yourself for putting yourself in that position and forgive them for doing whatever you believe they did.  And remember, the two of you agreed in the Bardo to partner in this relationship with all its ups, downs and sideways.  They loved you enough to play the part of the bad guy this time, and you loved them.  So, you are even connected in your co-creation with them. May as well create a peaceful ending for yourself in your own mind. Let the sad, mad, or unhappiness go and do something different.  You can if you are willing.

When you combine thinking and feeling, you are creating.  So, think about what you want to create next.  Is it loneliness, depression or sadness or connection and more connection and love? As always, you decide, and you can truly have fun along the way.

Corona, Covid 19 & Common Colds

Many of us are having a hard time with being alone, separated, or apart from something or many things, but thinking those things are a choice.  We can also decide that we are connected and reach out to others. Perhaps a phone call, a zoom or other mobile device where you can see the person and they can see you. A drive by also works, and for those who have a porch, balcony, driveway, lawn, sidewalk, or patio, you can socially distance and wear masks to do your part in the containment. Last but not least, prayer and meditation and getting closer to the God of your understanding can help you as well. Most important is doing whatever you can to stay positive. Read inspirational books, watch uplifting TV or media, etc. Remember the thoughts you nurture or the things you think about are creating your tomorrows, so choose the good ones.

All of us on planet earth are subject to getting this illness which for many has resulted in loss of loved ones, and/or months of recovery and/or loss of functionality. Some escape without even knowing they had it. We don't know when or if a cure or even a vaccine will be found and utilized, so for this newsletter, we are going to do healings that you can do or pass along to others to help each of us stay safe or recover. Many people do not have symptoms so the angels suggest you do them all, whether you think you may or may not have any piece or part or have already had it. Just forward this newsletter to them if you think it will help. 

The name of this specific disease: Covid 19, was named based on letters from the Corona Strain of viruses.  'Co' for Corona, 'vi' for virus and 'd' for disease the outbreak began in 2019 so it became Covid 19. The entire pandemic is called SARS-CoV-2. Since there is more than one Corona virus, we are releasing them all including Common Colds, Covid 19, MERS [Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome, and SARS, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and any as yet unidentified as such. 

The angels say Covid 19 is going to be here in our country for a long time, meaning possibly or probably another year of this and I for one want to stay well and as much as possible help others. And we have all experienced the 'common' cold, at least once. So, we personally are very careful about where we go and what we do... thinking of others as well as ourselves.

Ask the God of your understanding to help the angels help you...as you say these out loud, which indicates you want these healings done for you:

Archangel Raphael, release all Corona virus programming and complications arising out of them, from me and my family and put up hospital walls around each of us to keep out any infection out and contain any infection we may have inside the walls, so we don't spread it.  If any have been infected please heal each of us after removing the release programming, quickly and easily and allow us to recover completely. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Archangel Raphael, please release anything that causes the symptom of feelings of separation, loneliness, sadness, anger, rage, helplessness, hopelessness, plans or thoughts of suicide or self-harm, bewilderment, uncertainty, doubt, disbelief, confusion, distrust, overwhelm, denial, ambivalence, blame, hate, dislike, and or being forsaken as a result of Corona Viruses and complications arising out of them, here on our planet and in our country.  Please fill the spaces with peace, good health, trust, and love.  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Archangel Raphael, please release anything that is left regarding Corona viruses and complications arising out of them and heal my bodies in any and all ways it has been damaged, whether physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, or psychically.  Thank you.  Thank you. Thank you. 

I wish each of you a blessed day and a magical way to help you feel better and better in every way as each day passes.


Troubled waters

by Urial

Right now the waters are muddy on your planet. There is a lot of political unrest which is what happens when you have a lot of change. It is always true that when you have change you must go through a period of chaos. Many of you have been praying for peace, for the end of war, for the end of unrest, as well as for help with many personal issues. so those were a request for change. 

Again, in order to change from one situation to another, you must go through chaos. That means that things the way you know them, must change. Your Corona virus is a way for mother Earth to change how things are done on your planet. Since it affects the inhabitants of your planet which means you, that means you need to change your behavior in order to survive and thrive. Most of you are paying attention and are shifting and changing. Those who are not will truly be left behind in one way or another in the very near future. For example those who were not protecting themselves during the pandemic will most likely contract it, and many will perish. At the very least many will be ill, for some time. When you are ill it is a time for reflection. A time to rest. A time to stop your existing behavior and it is always a good time to change. By just changing one thing you are changing your behavior, which changes your overall picture and outcome.

Think back to what you were doing in February and March. Was your life helter-skelter? Did you have too many things on your plate to handle comfortably? Were you busy all the time? Did you have too many commitments or overbook yourself? Were you living somewhat in confusion and chaos?  if any of the answers to these questions are yes, then it is clearly a time for you to change your behavior to something that suits you better. Perhaps it will be a shift in jobs because you lost yours? Perhaps it will be a shift in your personal life activities because the groups you belong to have stopped or shifted to something else? Or perhaps a shift in your medical status? It is clearly a time for change.

If you have not made any changes, then this is the time to do that. If you have made changes, we suggest you look at the changes you have made and decide what you want to do going forward. Do you like the changes you have made during the Corona?  If so, continue. If not, what are you going to change? We urge you to change at least one thing, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or psychic. Try it, you will like it!



by Samara

Some of you are feeling hopeless because of your various conditions such as sickness, illness, poverty, being stuck in a situation, being disabled, etc. This feeling is a choice. When we say it is a choice; we mean that you are truly choosing from moment to moment, the thoughts that you are nurturing. You do this choosing by not monitoring what you are thinking, and by not monitoring what you are watching on your media etc. You simply watch or listen and accept. Stop it!

If you listen to information that is fear-based, it will help you be fearful. If you listen to information that is enlightening, joyous, or fun, those are the emotions you will be feeling and that you are creating more of. So we truly do mean, that YOU have a choice!

Many of you have created beliefs, on top of beliefs, on top of beliefs, until they get so mixed together, it is very difficult for you to even sort one belief out. Even that is not a problem, if you wish to change your life. Your life was created or is created, one thought and decision, at a time. This blog is intended to help you isolate thoughts and feelings, so you can decide if you wish to keep them or not and we will tell you how to eliminate the things, you do not want, as well as how to create more of what you prefer.

So, are you interested?