

by Archangel Raguel... Friend of God

FUD [Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt] is a selling technique whereby the seller intentionally creates FEAR in you via a presentation of verbal, mental or visual pictures so you will do what they want you to do. They create the problem [FEAR] and provide you with a solution [their idea, their group, their cause, or their product].

Some fear examples being currently presented by sellers in order to get what they desire are:

Power & Control – join their organization, group, or cause

  • I will get stuck with socialism, voter fraud, higher taxes, COVID-19 controls, or gun control, etc., unless I join the Republicans
  • I will get stuck with capitalism, higher national debt, restrictions on abortion or  immigration, increased military spending & the loss of moral values, etc., unless I join Democrats 
  • I will get stuck with global warming, oceans full of plastic, and be broke, etc. unless I join the Independents
  • I will go to hell, unless I join their religious organization
  • I will be lonely unless I join their club

Money – buy their product or service – often using ‘sex sells’ ingredients

  •  I won’t get right partner unless I buy ‘it.’
  •  I won’t get be healthy unless I buy ‘it.’
  •  I won’t get handsome/beautiful unless I buy ‘it.’
  •  My kids won’t be happy unless they go to the right school, or I buy them electronics, games, clothes, etc., another ‘it.’
  •  My dog/cat/pet won’t be healthy unless I buy ‘it.’

By now you are starting to get the picture. They capitalize on your  fear and provide their solution.

You can actually make a game out of this to help yourself recognize FUD. The next time you turn on the TV listen to whoever is speaking and decide for yourself whether they are peddling FUD (fear) or pleasure. Figure out what the fear is or how many fears in that one ad, or speech, and then figure their solution for you.  Do this for a couple of hours and make a list.

Then decide if you want to continue listening to that speaker or ad or choose to find something or someone else that provides you a pleasurable outcome rather than the subliminal coerced outcome they want. You will be amazed by how much fear is being ‘gifted’ to you.  This is not helping you be happier or healthier. It is just a coverup for fear.

Remember, what you resist will persist. That means that fear will come up again and again in a different way, until you actually remove the fear itself.


To eliminate the FUD, and consequential worry, anxiety, self-sabotage and stress programs or programming, say the following release, followed by the blessing, out loud:

Raguel: Eliminate any and all fear, uncertainty, doubt, worry, anxiety, self-sabotage, and stress programs or programming that I have accepted, including all looping, repeating, or chronic programming, so I may decide for myself what I want. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

BLESSING: All is well. I am happy and content.



When someone says something you don’t believe, don’t want to believe, or don’t want any part of, simply say, “Cancel,” and that belief will pass you by. That belief will not be added to your belief structure. You can do this when you see media that uses fear tactics to get you to buy something. You can do it silently or aloud. Perhaps wake up another person. Maybe you are in a group, and gossip starts; you don’t want to walk away, but you don’t want to say anything aloud either. Simply say, “Cancel,” which means you personally do not agree with what is being said.

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