Unexpected Upset
Part 6 of 7 by Chamuel
When you
have an unexpected upset or upsetting fear, you can immediately go into
fantasizing that everything is all right, completely ignoring your existing
circumstances. It's like going off into Wonderland, or never-never-land or some
other space you create in your mind, but your body is not doing anything in
your present.
It is
different than freezing, because when you are fantasizing, you go into
imagination mode which is several levels above fear which resides in the astral
level, so you feel immediately better in your physical body and in your mental
body or your mind, you are extremely active. Perhaps you are thinking of ways
out of your situation, but you are fantasizing. Perhaps you are creating a
romantic ending or a huge battle where you are emerging the victor on top of
the mountain with your sword raised to the heavens doing some sort of victory
scream, or perhaps you are jumping on the horse to save the maiden in distress
or buying that new thing you have been wanting. In any event, you are playing
games in your mind, but nothing is happening in your present, and whatever
caused the unexpected upset could still be happening.
If you were
in an avalanche, you would now be buried in snow because you stayed still. It
isn't that you were frozen. Your mind was busy going pell-mell 600 miles an
hour, finding a miraculous solution of some sort, but your body was not
responding. When you are in freeze mode, you cannot even think of a solution. This
response is not helpful to you either, because the situation around you continue
and could cause you bodily harm in many ways. So, to eliminate this programming
and stop being triggered, say out loud:
Chamuel: Heal, clear and remove all programming that causes
the symptom of fantasizing because of an unexpected upsetting fear in all
dimensions of time and space. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Breathe out:
Fantasizing because of an unexpected upsetting fear
Breathe in: Peaceful resolution.
Next is Part 7 - Forgetting