

When you have abandonment programming, you will create scenarios where you are deserted, abandoned, left, or left out or things will be unfinished or you will leave or abandon others or things.  If you have been feeling this or having this situation in your life and want it removed, simply state the following out loud:

Archangel Uriel remove any and all of my abandonment programming, releasing any and all past ties or traumas for anyone involved, doing forgiveness’s for all and fill those spaces with peaceful resolution. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


037 Happiness Mantra

by Archangel Arial; the angel who helps you with manifesting

All is well. I am satisfied and feeling good.

When something happens that you don't like you change the mantra by putting your attention on what you don't like or state what you don't like. For example: I feel sick but this is passing because All is well. I am satisfied and feeling good.




By Archangel Gabriel

When you are feeling good, all is right in your world.  So, what can you do today that will feel good, without doing harm to anyone or anything.  Something that truly feels good inside. Something that is giving. Something that you can do for yourself without reliance on another human.

Is it giving away a smile, or a hug, or helping someone and not letting anyone know that you did it.  Is it cleaning your room or taking a shower or going to the park or feeding the ducks?  Reading a book or going for a swim or just literally stopping to smell the roses. What will make you feel good inside? On a daily basis, look for ways to feel good and your whole life will improve and as you feel better and find more and more things to feel good about, your life will improve more. So, what can you do right now to feel good? What will make your heart sing as you go on your daily pathway through life?



By Chamuel 

Compassion is a feeling or a creation in which you decide to acknowledge that another person is experiencing something that you have experienced in the past. So, for example, with any of the four things that was lost: the house key, the pet, the car or the beloved, each of you has lost something like that. Each of you has had a different experience or is having a different experience regarding the same object.  In any case, whether it is the love of or the possession of something, there is a feeling of belonging, a feeling of ownership, a feeling of having, being, and doing, in relationship to that thing. So feeling compassion for the other person is now a solution. It is the way of being there for them. It is the way to be in the space with that person. You can say: Just like me, this person is experiencing loss. Just like me, this person is experiencing sadness. Just like me, this person is experiencing anxiety, or stress, or tension, or any other emotion that you notice they are going through, because they have lost something.
By saying to yourself: ‘Just like me,’ it reminds you that you have been in that space in your past. It is not that you are feeling their pain, because you do not need to go there. But it reminds you that you also have been in that space. It lets you allow them to occupy their space with you knowing a feeling of what that feels like. You cannot possibly know what they are feeling unless you are using your extrasensory powers and can actually feel them, but you do know what you felt like in a similar situation.

Whether your feelings are exactly what they are feeling or whether your feelings know what you experienced, it does not matter. You are being or deciding to be in this space of sharing their grief, not that you are feeling it. It is acknowledging that each of you have experienced loss. You understand losing. You understand it is a process. You understand there is movement from the loss into recovery. Each person goes at their own pace through this process. Each person has their own belief structures and moves through them accordingly.
Sometimes people get stuck on one of the steps of recovery and they stay there for a very long time, perhaps the rest of their life. That is their choice, but through compassion, you can know that you at least have some idea of what it is to lose. Whether it is the house key or the beloved or something in between, you know what it feels like to experience loss.

You also know what it feels like when you decide to let go of losing and you decide to move to a different level. You decide it is another day. You decide that it is okay to laugh and perhaps you even decide to celebrate the life of that person lived. Or you decide to celebrate that you now have a new key. You can move into this celebration mode at any time. You may choose to vacillate between celebration and loss or grief. In any case, it is all your decision. It is your choice. You do not have to choose to change at all. You simply can just be.
For the person who is choosing to be with the person who is grieving, all you need to do is to remember: Just like me, this person is experiencing loss. That alone will put you in a space where you can listen to them going through their process, without joining in their feelings or judging. Just like me, this person has experienced loss. Just like me, this person has also experienced joy and loving and liking and sadness. Just like me, this person has experienced boredom. Just like me, this person has experienced feeling like their heart is broken. Just like me, this person has experienced everything and anything that I have experienced at some point in time. Each of us is experiencing. Each of us will experience more, and we can experience together and I choose to do that.



034 Grief by Samara

The process of removing any creation is the same. Let us take grief for example. You feel grief which is the loss of someone or something. It can be a house key. It could be a pet, your car or your beloved. The process to change your mind and therefore change your creation is the same process at the mental level or in the mental body .What is entirely different in each situation is your feelings, which of course is your emotional body.

You attach a different set of feelings to a house key, which represents your safety; your personal safety, because your house is locked from intruders or people. Those feelings are very different than your loss of a pet. Your pet is a possession but it is also alive, so there is a component of love there. The loss of a car is a representation of your freedom. So it now means that you have the inconvenience of either getting another car, if you can afford one or using some sort of other transportation. It may be as humbling as using your own two feet to walk to your destination. And the last example is your beloved. When you lose a beloved person, it has or can feel as if your heart is broken, because you no longer have that physical presence in your life. Their programming was that they were going to move on to their next creation. Your programming is or was that you wanted them here to be in the relationship that you had, that you loved, that you treasure. However, since they have moved on, you can no longer have that love, that treasured creation any longer. It has to shift because they have shifted.
So it is very different to lose a loved one, rather than a key, a pet or car. Each has emotions. The level of depth and breadth of those emotions are very different. The house key would probably be the least. The beloved would probably be the most, in the emotional range. Some of you may be delighted that your beloved died because they weren’t really your beloved, but that is the face you put on to others. Behind the scenes you secretly detested them and were elated that they had moved on because it was finally over.

You may have disliked your car because of some minor malfunction that you hadn’t yet been able to fix. So now you can get a different car that didn’t have that malfunction. You may have been tired of the pet peeing and pooping and leaving fur everywhere. Perhaps you no longer wanted the expense, but, because of your emotional attachment, you did not feel that you could give the pet away, because that was contrary to your belief structure.
 In any of the four events you could have had a plus side, according to your own emotional structure, and, last but not least, you could celebrate by choice, each of those events because you could have a belief structure that it happened for a reason. Later you might or would discover what that reason was in your belief structures; or perhaps you have learned that all things are creations and this one simply was over. It is time for you to have a new creation come forth. The new creation could not come forth until and unless the old creation was gone. Now it is gone.

It simply had its life and you move on as easy as you move from going to bed at night to one day, to waking up the next morning to a new day. You do not experience the five or six or eight hours that you are sleeping in your now, because you were no longer in your now. So you enter a new now when you wake up in the morning and it is a different day. Perhaps yesterday it was cold and raining and today the sun has peeked out. The sun is shining. As the day goes on it is getting warmer and warmer. Perhaps yesterday you didn’t have a job and today you are hired to a new job. Perhaps yesterday you lost your house key and today you were able to obtain a new house key that even has a design on it. It is bigger and easier to find. And it no longer sticks in the lock. So your experience has shifted. You are the one who shifted it. It did not shift you.
You have programming that somehow kicked in and allowed you to experience the shift. You may have created this program 18 or 30 or even 100 lifetimes ago but at some point you created the program that is now coming to fruition in your shift from being unhappy to again moving forward in happiness and freedom. It does not mean that you will forget necessarily, that you had a house key, that you had a pet, a car or a beloved, or the number of times that you remember that you had them or you remember the love or you remember the loss of some or each. All of those things will happen. They may happen seldom. They may happen frequently. They may be triggered to happen by the sight or the sound or the smell of something that reminds you of that creation. You may be 30 years down the road and see a particular shade of blue that reminds you of the color of your mother’s eyes, or you may be 50 years down the road and talking to someone and remember the pet that you had. You remember that cute little dog with his floppy little ears. You can remember the smell of the dog. You can remember the dog running through the yard and jumping up and licking your face. Even though it was so many years ago, you are instantly in your memory mode - there. The trick is, do you want to stay in the memory mode or do you want to get back into your present, doing whatever it is you’re doing in your present creation? The choice is up to you.