

Sorry it’s been so long, but the Angels and I have been extremely busy. On Nov. 1, I had a procedure done on my heart to alleviate the issues that I was having and it worked. The angels had instructed me to NOT have the surgery, so I didn’t for almost two years, and when I got back to Salem this time, they said ‘do it.’  So I listened and went to the right doc, the right hospital, at the right time and so am much, much better but still recovering.
Then I rested for a couple of days in between packing for six months and playing cards nightly before I headed south to California until spring. I think this is called being a Snowbird, and as I drove south I imagined the Angels hanging desperately on to the side, back and top of my car. I’m not sure if I was driving faster than they can fly or not but at least they came with me or showed up.

I wanted to be with MY ‘Scruffy’ [a nickname Kerwin earned when he tried to grow a beard.]  I had a couple of days to unpack before we left for our vacation to Sedona - the land of red rocks. I was so excited that I was going to see the red rocks and here is a picture of the vision I had in my head. Kerwin suggested I check on explorer for Sedona photos but I didn’t need to do that because I knew what I wanted to see!
We left early on Friday afternoon, and started driving down toward Bakersfield. All sorts of lovely sights appeared as we started through the pass the next morning after staying all night in Barstow. The clouds were just incredible, so of course I took lots of pictures like this one. We had decided to take 40 E. which is part of the old Route 66. Part of it winds around through the town of Jerome; a berg with a one way street set on the side of a mountain.
When you come out of Jerome and are starting to go across the rest of the desert to Sedona, this is the sight that you see. And this is where Scruffy says: Oh look! There are the red rocks of Sedona!  You blink and you blink, and you certainly don’t see what you are looking for. Even though it is slightly red??? and sort of like an arch, and so you say, with great gusto: Turn around; I want to go to the other Sedona! 

Well, now it is a good thing that the Angels decided to come with us because their assistance is sorely needed at this point. Obviously I had an expectation and now I’ve got an attitude, so between Kerwin, the Angels and I, we managed to get me to a place where I was willing to continue the trip and I instead decided to go on an adventure to the REAL Sedona. Scruffy had no idea what he signed up for when he signed up with me, nor did I. But, we are working on it – with the angels continued assistance.  So onward!
And, of course, for those of you who have been there, as we round a final corner on the highway 29A, there are lots and lots and lots of red gorgeous rocks and rock formations to see.  This is where Scruff and I went on a morning walk that was just incredible.  He gets to drive and I take the photos, until I yell ‘stop,’ or ‘back up,’ or make a ‘Uey’ and ‘take that road,’ because there is another photo op. I have a belief I need them for material for my paintings. But he is patient and kind, and most of the time, complies.  This was one of those times and it was a lovely walk.   I took over 400 photos of the red rocks in and around Sedona and we even went to Red Rock state park.  It was so amazing to me to feel so good and to be able to walk, and know that golf is just a few months away. Had a thought about maybe I was doing too much, but it was just a thought and anyway it had been two whole weeks. Prior to the surgery, I had to drive up to the office which is 2 blocks, and now I was walking half a mile at a crack. Wowie!   

After Sedona, we proceeded on to Flagstaff to meet our friends from Salem, Janet and Newell for breakfast.  Then on to Mesa to spend Thanksgiving with Scruff’s adopted mom Mary who is 80 and also to meet her new beau, George, who is moving in as soon as he can sell his home.  So, if any of you think you are too old to find love, you just aren’t looking in the right places, or perhaps you have a program blocking you?  We also learned a new card game called Arizona Rattlesnake… fun…and you guessed it… Scruffy won!  Finally, we stopped at his parents in Carlsbad for a short overnight visit and then came home. Phew!!!!  2111 miles, 1244 photos [not counting the ones I deleted] and 10 camera batteries. And no, they were not the rechargeable ones which someone informed me would be better – even though I didn’t ask for their input. Back home, I needed to rest from the vacation, finish the 2500 piece jigsaw puzzle and go back to recuperating before I have my 6 week checkup, so now I gotta get well in a hurry.  Of course, I overdid it….because that what you do on a vacation and Duh….I am blond … remember?
On the trip, in between walking, shopping, cards, a fabulous reading from another psychic and other things, I worked on Book ‘0’, which is a chart book for those of you who work with pendulums to heal yourself or others, or want to learn to do that. It is about 90% done so will be ready around the first of the year for purchase.  It will also be tied into Book 1, which the angels told me this week.  I am to write 29 books, plus the blog and on the trip they told me to learn Twitter, so I guess I will be ‘tweeting’ as well. Wonder how Scruffy will handle that?  Ah well, more will be revealed. 

Happy Holidays to all of you from both of us!


P.S. Tweet - Tweet - till the real thing comes along.


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