

Two days before the election, Samara [a collection of angelics that have formed a multi-conscious soul for the purpose of education and to help me write 29 books] predicted that Obama was going to win. The morning of the election I was told that Romney was ahead but that Obama would win.  I went to get my nails done and the TV was not on election news. It was a cooking show and I wanted to know if the prediction was correct but alas, they were not doing what I wanted them to do. I mean, get off the stupid cooking show and let me see what I want to see! On the way home I was channel surfing on the radio, and again 'they' were not doing this my way.  I finally got to my own TV about noon, and found that yes Samara was correct, the score was Romney 8 to Obama 3 electoral votes.  And finally as you know by the end of the day, President Obama was reelected for a second term of office. Many voted for him and many voted for Romney. I have traditionally not talked with others about politics because it seems as if when I do the other person wants me to transfer my beliefs over to what they believe in. Seems like it is not okay for me to have my belief and for both of us to be okay that we believe different things and of course, sometimes it is me trying to get them to change their mind. This is when the right – wrong game is being played. When you play the right wrong game, both parties lose.

The way out of the right- wrong game is to understand that each person has their own belief structure. This is a collection of beliefs that you decided were so. For example, let us say that you decided that strawberries are wonderful. Another person that you are talking to detests strawberries. You simply cannot understand how this person can possibly have that opinion or belief because strawberries for you are wonderful. So you begin to question them as if they are incorrect, wrong, stupid, incredibly stupid, or just plain crazy. They have an emotional body that can sense the nature of your questioning and at that point, it is very easy for them to feel attacked. When someone is attacked, they can retaliate or leave or simply not respond. The conversation then becomes strained because both of you are now in resistance to the other person's belief structure or opinion. If the subject is not strawberries, and instead, politics, religion, or some other subject that has a high degree of emotions attached, personal damage can occur in the form of a screaming match, hitting or even killing at times.

For you to have a belief about strawberries in the first place, you must have acceptance. Once you have accepted that you like strawberries, you now trust that strawberries are good. You are now trusting, and the other person begins questioning why you like them because they don't; 'it' goes well beyond the right-wrong game.  This is how wars are created.
The way out of this is to KNOW that each person has their own belief structure and for them it is true simply because they have decided it is so. If you can accept that their belief is right and true for them, it can change how you communicate with others completely. Your relationships can be transformed.

 So, whether you voted for Obama or Romney or you like strawberries or don't, you have the right to your opinion and do not need to defend it. For you, it is so. Something you can do is to ask what the person likes about 'x.'  Somewhere in their description will be something that you can agree upon. Perhaps with the strawberries you both like the color red, or you both do not like the seeds. You have then been moved from an adversarial position of being in resistance to the other persons belief structure to a position of acceptance.  You may also find out things you would not have learned otherwise. 
We can all probably agree that both candidates wanted to help change our country for the better.  They both talked about helping our economy, creating more jobs, being president, taking care of their family, and leading America to new heights, though their methods would have been different.  And so it is with us. Our methods are different but we can co-exist wonderfully by finding agreement and creating harmony rather than resistance and disagreement, which creates suffering. So, praise be…to both men and may their futures be bright and rosy whatever path they are now on. And of course, the same goes for us!

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