And I live with 15-20 angels 24/7 plus 2 multi-conscious
souls, a couple of saints, and ascended
masters, but I just fondly call them all 'angels.' A better term would be angelics.
I love my life with these wonderful loving beings because it is so much fun and
absolutely amazing. The work they do to help all of us is absolutely incredible,
including helping me set up this blog.
I had been told by the Angels to stop doing my newsletter
and start doing a blog. So, every single night when I would go to sleep, I
would hear: You need to do a blog, you need to do a blog and then I would start
dreaming that I was blogging. Blog, blog, blog... blog, blog, ad nauseum, until I finally decided I
better figure out what a 'blog' was. What a journey it has been to create this platform.
I won't bore you with the details, but the final piece was absolutely amazing.
I was extremely frustrated and had been stuck for over two weeks, with hours
and hours invested trying to move my domain name from one blog host to another.
Anyway, I was stuck on my blog. I was
stuck on my diet and I was stuck living in two states. And it dawned on me that
I was in a negative 'stuck' pattern of 'looping. '
A 'looping' pattern is when you do something over and over but
can't seem to stop it. A couple of common looping patterns are a song playing
in your head or people in weight loss programs. A weight loss looping pattern is a person
starts a weight loss program, and loses weight. They feel good, so they eat and
then they gain weight. Then they don't feel good. So, they go back on a diet to
lose weight. They start losing, and they feel good again. So, they eat and they
gain weight and now they are in a looping pattern. Well, I was doing this with
my blog. I was figuring out a piece, feeling good, then something wouldn't work,
feel bad, find something else that worked, feel good, doesn't work, feel bad,
etc. finally I'm stuck in a loop. My regular computer guy was busy, so I found
someone who said they were a doctor on the net and trust me by that time I
needed one - for my head, mostly. However, he eventually gave up and said there
was no way he could figure my mess out. So I went to the Angels and said - I
really need help here. I was then informed that I had a looping pattern of
failure. So, then I asked Archangel Raphael to get rid of ALL my looping patterns
for me. And if you think you may possibly have a looping pattern at this point,
simply say out loud: 'Archangel Raphael, remove my looping patterns,' and he
When I went to bed that night, I said, [well, OK, demanded]
that the angels help me. Some folks call me the irreverent reverend and I guess
at times I am. Fortunately, the angels love me anyway and I am probably a never
ending source of entertainment for them.
Anyway, I demanded or was it begged pathetically? If you guys want me to
do this blog, I need help. I don't know who the Angel of computers is but one
of you knows. When I wake up in the morning, I need an answer on how to fix
this mess. And when I woke up, I had this picture in my head of a page on the
website with an arrow on it pointing to the problem area. I am able to see [clairvoyance]
in other realms as well as hear [clairaudience], smell [clairgustance], feel
[clairsentience] and know [claircognizance] things that are 'other' worldly. I
went to that page on this real third-dimensional blog to the indicated spot and
I reread the instructions and realized I had not followed them correctly. Maybe
this is another segment of the clueless part? Anyway, the
next thing I know my blog is saying that I have successfully transferred my
domain. And then of course, I did the 'wacka' dance…all over my office and
house. This was a HUGE deal for me. This is ONLY one of the ways that the
Angels have helped me and/or others. My friend Marianne [another earth angel] that helped me when I ran over myself with Kerwin's
car [yes - another story] also helped me with the final pieces of this blog.
Yesterday, Chamuel found a ladies missing cell phone, and in the past he has found another's lost
wedding ring, lost golf balls and/or water pipes underground when K was putting
in our sprinkler system. Chamuel is the finder of lost things and is
exceptionally good at it. Each angel has their own specialty. He is also good
at fixing relationship issues.
It is absolutely amazing, working and playing with these other
worldly beings. In future articles, there will be a healing or two for you, the
reader, and I'll tell more about angels in my life and how we work and play
together. Won't you join us and play, too?
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