
Delusion or Solution?

By Chamuel

As you wander around in a daily basis, are you stuck in illusion or delusion? Your illusion is that perhaps things outside of you are causing your unhappiness, keeping you blocked from something you want. This illusion can quickly become delusion, meaning that you have moved from feel good to feel bad. At this point somehow, you need to stop blaming and start taking responsibility and looking for a solution. The solution, of course, is to change yourself. By changing yourself you will change your outside circumstances, so your delusion will be solved by your solution, so you can once again feel good. The answer always lies within.


Unexpected Upset - Part 1 - Flight

Unexpected Upset - Part 1 - Flight

A seven-part series by Chamuel
The fear triggered by some unexpected upset causes you to become upset or get really scared and you react in 1 of 7 ways by going into some sort of avoidance pattern. Most people believe they are flight, fight or freeze. However, these are the first three of seven and these can all be reduced in their severity, though maybe not completely eradicated, depending on which ones you have. Below we will make a complete listing with a healing for each one, and they are as follows:

Whenever you become upset or angry, it is because you have an underlying fear. When you become fearful, you have a reaction. For some of you, your first inclination is to simply run. You have this inclination because you have many past life times’ where you were killed, when you did not escape in time. So, for example, you hear an extremely loud noise, become frightened and then you will want to flee. Perhaps an earthquake happens, and you will run out of the building, regardless of who you leave behind or perhaps it is as scary movie and you know that it's just a movie, but, you become so frightened you immediately leave the theater or the room in the middle of the movie or perhaps just shut it off if it is your television. So that is a flight response, simply due to an impulsive reaction and not necessarily an action that is helpful to you in your existing circumstances.

We would like to remove the programming that causes you to immediately flee without taking one or two seconds to ask yourself if this is really a situation you want to run from. If it is the scary movie or simply a loud noise like a firecracker or car backfiring. there is no need to flee. If it is an earthquake or an avalanche, then certainly you should flee and begin immediately, but taking one second isn't usually going to make that much of a difference to you. It could, but we are saying, most likely it won't, and the amount of times that you are now fleeing would be reduced to nearly never. Instead, you would recognize the fear, and think ‘It's just a movie and I'm okay.' Then you could choose to continue to watch it or turn it off and watch something more pleasant, but you would not need to flee the scene. So, to eliminate your fleeing program as a response and allow you instead to choose; simply say out loud: Raphael, clear and remove my fleeing programming because of I got frightened in all dimensions of time and space. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Now do the breathing exercise of at least 3 breaths.

Breathe out: Flight or fleeing
Breathe in:   Peaceful resolution

Next month, we will help you release the second pattern which is fighting.