When you are feeling good, all is right in your world. So, what can you do today that will feel good,
without doing harm to anyone or anything.
Something that truly feels good inside. Something that is giving. Something
that you can do for yourself without reliance on another human.
Is it giving away a smile, or a hug, or helping someone and
not letting anyone know that you did it.
Is it cleaning your room or taking a shower or going to the park or feeding
the ducks? Reading a book or going for a
swim or just literally stopping to smell the roses. What will make you feel
good inside? On a daily basis, look for ways to feel good and your whole life
will improve and as you feel better and find more and more things to feel good
about, your life will improve more. So, what can you do right now to feel good?
What will make your heart sing as you go on your daily pathway through life?