Many of us are having a hard time with being alone,
separated, or apart from something or many things, but thinking those things
are a choice. We can also decide that we are connected and reach out to
others. Perhaps a phone call, a zoom or other mobile device where you can see
the person and they can see you. A drive by also works, and for those who have
a porch, balcony, driveway, lawn, sidewalk, or patio, you can socially distance
and wear masks to do your part in the containment. Last but not least, prayer
and meditation and getting closer to the God of your understanding can help you
as well. Most important is doing whatever you can to stay positive. Read
inspirational books, watch uplifting TV or media, etc. Remember the thoughts
you nurture or the things you think about are creating your tomorrows, so
choose the good ones.
All of us on planet earth are subject to
getting this illness which for many has resulted in loss of loved ones, and/or
months of recovery and/or loss of functionality. Some escape without even
knowing they had it. We don't know when or if a cure or even a vaccine will be
found and utilized, so for this newsletter, we are going to do healings that
you can do or pass along to others to help each of us stay safe or recover.
Many people do not have symptoms so the angels suggest you do them all, whether
you think you may or may not have any piece or part or have already had it. Just
forward this newsletter to them if you think it will help.
The name of this specific disease: Covid 19,
was named based on letters from the Corona Strain of viruses. 'Co' for
Corona, 'vi' for virus and 'd' for disease the outbreak began in 2019 so it
became Covid 19. The entire pandemic is called SARS-CoV-2. Since there is
more than one Corona virus, we are releasing them all including Common
Colds, Covid 19, MERS [Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome, and SARS,
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and any as yet unidentified as such.
The angels say Covid 19 is going to be here in
our country for a long time, meaning possibly or probably another year of this
and I for one want to stay well and as much as possible help others. And we
have all experienced the 'common' cold, at least once. So, we personally are
very careful about where we go and what we do... thinking of others as well as
Ask the God of your understanding to help the
angels help you say these out loud, which indicates you want these
healings done for you:
Archangel Raphael, release all Corona virus
programming and complications arising out of them, from me and my family and
put up hospital walls around each of us to keep out any infection out and
contain any infection we may have inside the walls, so we don't spread
it. If any have been infected please heal each of us after removing the
release programming, quickly and easily and allow us to recover completely.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Archangel Raphael, please release anything
that causes the symptom of feelings of separation, loneliness, sadness, anger,
rage, helplessness, hopelessness, plans or thoughts of suicide or self-harm, bewilderment,
uncertainty, doubt, disbelief, confusion, distrust, overwhelm, denial,
ambivalence, blame, hate, dislike, and or being forsaken as a result of Corona
Viruses and complications arising out of them, here on our planet and
in our country. Please fill the spaces with peace, good health, trust,
and love. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Archangel Raphael, please release anything
that is left regarding Corona viruses and complications arising out of
them and heal my bodies in any and all ways it has been damaged, whether
physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, or psychically. Thank
you. Thank you. Thank you.
I wish each of you a blessed day and a magical
way to help you feel better and better in every way as each day passes.