by Samara
Some of you are feeling hopeless because of your various conditions such as sickness, illness, poverty, being stuck in a situation, being disabled, etc. This feeling is a choice. When we say it is a choice; we mean that you are truly choosing from moment to moment, the thoughts that you are nurturing. You do this choosing by not monitoring what you are thinking, and by not monitoring what you are watching on your media etc. You simply watch or listen and accept. Stop it!
If you listen to information that is fear-based, it will help you be fearful. If you listen to information that is enlightening, joyous, or fun, those are the emotions you will be feeling and that you are creating more of. So we truly do mean, that YOU have a choice!
Many of you have created beliefs, on top of beliefs, on top of beliefs, until they get so mixed together, it is very difficult for you to even sort one belief out. Even that is not a problem, if you wish to change your life. Your life was created or is created, one thought and decision, at a time. This blog is intended to help you isolate thoughts and feelings, so you can decide if you wish to keep them or not and we will tell you how to eliminate the things, you do not want, as well as how to create more of what you prefer.
So, are you interested?