We may
not be able to change the outcome of the election and some of us don’t want to,
but many are feeling fearful, uncertain, and experiencing negativity. The
angels told me to we need to move out of being a victim and get into action
remembering to put principles before personalities.
After we
uncurl from the ball on the floor, or stop dancing on the ceiling, we will
realize the world is still here and we are one with it. Our neighbors are still
next door, the awesome people we knew and loved are still awesome people – even
if they didn’t vote like we did, the grocery store is where it used to be, and
the light on the corner is still going yellow, red, green. I forgot to write
down the name of the internet article that said most Americans agree
reform 59%
Marriage 55%
abortion 56%
checks for gun buyers 90%
Health care 58%
warming 59%
and I
also believe we ALL want:
in our political structure, jobs, security, safety, and most of all peace.
The Donald has
presented a principle of making America Great Again. And, whether we support
him or not, we can support that principle. Personalities
come and go, as do Presidents.
Remember what we
resist, persists. So, if you put your attention on fear or hating, you are
going to feel more fear or hate. Is that what you want? If you put your
attention on upset, revolt or disaster, you will feel more upset, revolt and disaster.
So, instead you can move your attention to opportunity because this is a time
of change. Step out of powerlessness and step into your power and find ways to
appreciate the things you have in your right now. Remain open, and
willing to see another viewpoint. When I get stuck in my position, I cannot
change, and I will remain stuck and usually that means stuck in a victim role.
Oh, poor me! Alas! The sky is falling! So, I must shift my attitude to be
able to do something different because the thought comes before the action.
Let’s join in …. and
put our attention on the principal of making America Great again. With
each of us figuring out how we can do this, individually, in our own way, one
day at a time, in our own little corner of America. We can be people helping
people, American’s helping American’s, and American’s making America Great
again! By aligning with the principle, we can once again become