

This blog is normally for the angels messages, and this article includes a message from Archangel Raphael. I share it with their blessings.  Rev. Marge
The constitution of the United States starts out...
We the people of the United States, that in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
We are the descendants of the people who wrote the Constitution that helped make this country great. We are the people who live here, work here, eat here, laugh here, love here and have fun here. Each one of us is one of those people that are currently living in this wonderful country. Each of us interacts with others every day. We talk to neighbors, friends, and in person or via the phone or social media. We watch our televisions that show us people as they go about their day. Some of them are actors and some of them are heroes while others are victims. However, we are all people in this great land.
Each of us has beliefs, feelings, fears, and courage, though each of us has differing amounts of each quality. Even our beliefs are not created by us. Each belief we have we copied, we obeyed, we assumed, we adopted, we learned, or simply decided it was so. And therefore, it is for us. It does not mean that another person has the same belief that we do. It does not mean that a belief is true, or false, or right, or wrong. It is just a belief that we decided to believe individually. We can add a judgment to that belief that something is right, or wrong or bad or good or true or false but again it is only right or wrong or bad or good or true or false for us as an individual.
We the people, are poised to vote next week about which individual we think can lead our country in the direction that our forefathers decided our country needed to go. Some of us want one candidate and others want another, while still others do not want either, however one of the candidates is going to become president. But during this election process, lots of mudslinging, misinformation and misfortune has happened. None of us has ever seen an election like this one and the political parties and the news media are not helping us...we the people.
The Angels reminded me that I get to choose what thoughts I want to nurture and the news is not helping me nurture positive thoughts. After having so much time to watch, I am sure their agenda is not to be loving or caring or make us feel better in any way.

The news media has made both Hilary and Donald appear to be bad, rotten and awful and only God knows how much is true. I am certain that both Donald and Hillary had the same experiences growing up that you and I did which was conquering fears, trying to learn and do new things, trying to fit in, have some fun, while wanting to be loved and accepted and doing the best they could in their own circumstances and they still are and so are we. All of us have done things we are not proud of and all of us have done things we didn't know we had the courage to do. We all get to make choices daily on how we want to act and who we want to be.
News organizations are in business to make money selling news.  Any news. They dredge up anything and everything they can to make it more upsetting, more fearful, more degrading, more humiliating, and do it over and over because it sells.  Then because we hear it so often, we start believing them, without proof. And we start blaming, like they are doing.  We forget that we ourselves have lied, cheated and most likely stolen. That we have all done things we are not proud of and would certainly not want aired on national TV, but these candidates are on national TV. And each party is trying to look good and make the other person look bad, so they can win.
Some of us, in anger because we have chosen to believe the media, have turned against friends and family, forgetting that we are friends and family and that each of us is entitled to our own beliefs.  So, arguments have ensued and relationships have become strained, and some have even been severed. So, because of this election trauma, Archangel Raphael is offering you a healing to help and if you want, you can also pass it to those you love.
Archangel Raphael says:
If you are feeling negative, aggravated, upset, angry, confused or traumatized by information, true or not, from all the various sources of media, or even from your friends and family and, are feeling scared, terrified, and no longer safe by all the horror, hate, and mud-slinging, remember that you are being taken care of. All of this is happening FOR you and FOR America and not TO you.
Many people have prayed for peace, which means for those prayers to be answered, there must be change. Whenever change occurs, you must go through a period of chaos. Soon the election chaos will be over and a new peace will ensue. There will certainly be more bumps on America’s road and for you personally as these changes take place but All is truly well. Each of you wants a better, more peaceful way of life.  To eliminate the negative feelings and programming of the election trauma for yourself personally, simply say the following out loud, and I will do the healing for you, or for anyone you forward this message to.
“Yes, Raphael, heal this election trauma for me. I chose to forgive all I perceive to be wrong including myself, for not doing what I wanted done, or not being who I wanted, or not having the qualities I wanted during this election process. I forgive each and every one of us. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
Kiss and make up, now, or shake hands and agree to disagree - before the election. Choose love instead pounding the political drum.  Neither candidate is likely to become your best friend, or move in next door, or give you the cup of sugar you need for your recipe or play that video game or cards, or help you when you need help but your friend will. Just because your friend likes a different candidate does not make your friend bad, or wrong or awful. Love them for being who they are... an individual who is different ...and go forward with a new understanding, that you can still be friends with someone who has different likes and dislikes and once again, choose to be a loving caring individual.
And hopefully each of us can move ourselves into a position of support for our new president, whoever that may be, as we choose to be peaceful with our friends, and family as well.