
030 Just Be - Part 2 by Archangel Raphael

By just being implies you do not have do anything to make it better, to fix it, to change it, to search for, to figure out how to do one of those things or anything else. You are simply content with what is happening.

It does not mean that you are not going to do things. It simply means that, as you are doing, you are mostly out of resistance and enjoying being the one who is doing those things. The problem that most of you experience is that you are not enjoying being the one who is experiencing those things. An example might be if you have created monetary problems in your life and you are going to have to declare bankruptcy or flee the country because so many people want you to pay them back; being content with that situation might be that you end up in prison for embezzlement or some other criminal activity that you perpetrated in order to have that money. So being content in that situation would be very difficult. You would be scrambling to do anything to retain your feeling of freedom so that you can do what you want.
Of course, you cannot be content in that scenario, because it is a negative situation that you have created but if you were in totally ‘just be’ you could you would simply surrender and they could take you to jail or put you through a trial or set you up on a payment plan governed by your government. If it had to do with paying back taxes there are many scenarios that could happen for you to make restitution, but you could enjoy making that restitution allowing yourself to ‘just be’ in that restitution making scenario. If you are not sure if you have this dichotomy, be assured that you do.

We are now going to eliminate these programs for you so that you can experience ‘just being’ without having to do anything. If you agree, say ‘yes’ out loud. It is a choice, and you will have to break some of your negative patterning. You will need to you remind yourself: I choose to ‘just be,’ which, is doing something, But when you specify: I choose to ‘just be,’ it stops your brain from thinking of all the things that you have to do which puts you in ‘just be.’


029 Just Be by Archangel Raphael

Many of you on your planet have an issue with being. You know that you incarnated or perhaps you have forgotten but in any event you did incarnate on this planet. Part of this incarnation is separating from the one. When you separate from the one there is always duality because you are separated. you want to be with the one but you cannot be with the one so that creates your biggest ambivalent flow. I want to be but I can't be in that sets up a lifetime patterning for you that circles and resurfaces and surfaces and resurfaces in many ways in your lifetime.

You can eliminate the blockages, the ambivalent flows, the limitations and other programming so that you can be what is known as ‘content’ on your planet. Some people call it going with the flow or being out of resistance. The bottom line is that you are simply being present with whatever is happening without resistance.

Any time you can just be without having any sort of resistance, you are in acceptance or contentment or some other form of feeling good. Because there is no resistance, you are not feeling bad, therefore it is acceptable. The word acceptable instead of contentment would be much better for you to understand where you are and how to basically remain in this state. Remember your primary function is that you want is to be with the one so you feel you have to do something to get there. However, no matter what you do unless you leave your earthly body you cannot be with the one. Therefore to attain the state of acceptable, or contentment, or what people call happiness is to eliminate your programs of resistance, which include limitations and many other programs that you create to block yourself from being. You have a statement from some of your light workers that states ‘be all that you can be.’ In essence, that is an excellent message to ‘be all that you can be’ means that it is all that you can be while you are in your existing body with your existing planetary limitations. You are not part of the one so you cannot totally be with the one, but you can ‘just be.’