

By Archangel Raphael

Many of you have belief structures or judgments on how people create their money. For example if there is a beggar on the street, you look down on him or her and judge them as inferior. Perhaps you have forgotten that it is their choice to experience this and instead of looking down upon them you could instead see the magnificence of their creation. They have had to journey hardships, sadness, unhappiness, and many other things that feel bad in order to get to this position and do this begging. They have an incredible amount of courage to even undertake this mission. They are risking scorn, having things thrown at them, derision, and many other things that feel bad, but they risk all of those things and more and are creating income for themselves.
Where is it written that to create income you must be smart, intelligent, educated, from a certain class, or live in a certain part of town to have a job, own your own business or invest wisely? A beggar could be any of these and still have become a beggar.

So, these are all belief structures that you have adopted and since you adopted them, you can change them. Instead of viewing a person with negative emotion, such as derision, disgust, or even sympathy, both of you would feel better if you viewed them with wonder and appreciation.
Most humans when confronted with a beggar even look away. There is an underlying fear that somehow, someway, you could become that and you do not want to. Every person on your earth has chosen to be a beggar in one lifetime or another or perhaps many. Every culture has beggars, every city, every town and even every village.

If you have a problem seeing people in the magnificence of their existing creation, ask me to have your own assumptive programming removed, and I will remove it for you. Each soul enters in to your realm with many challenges he or she has chosen to experience. When you have chosen to experience something and you then resist it because of belief structures you have, the situation will keep repeating itself for you until you have experienced it fully. So when anyone is experiencing something that you feel bad about, change your mind instead to view the creation they are experiencing as wonderful with them being a masterful creator, because they are.




by Chamuel

We as Angels do not have any defined form. We are part of the ‘All that is,’ until we are called into form or sent into action by the one you know as ‘God’ or the ‘All that is’ or any other name you choose to call it, from Eloheim, to Buddha, to Lord etc.
When we choose to adopt an Angel form, we do it according to the belief structure of the person asking for angelic help. So, if you as an individual in a particular faith have an Angel or Angels that you picture in your head. Perhaps we can use Michael as an example because most of you have been indoctrinated as viewing Michael being an extremely large individual with huge wings and a sword that is gigantic. So, if you were able to see Michael that is what you would see. Some of you view Angels as simply blobs of light, so that is what you would see. Some of you view Angels with colored halos or auras, so that is what you would see. Some of you believe that Angels walk on earth, with you or beside you, so that is what we would do. It is easier to commune with you, when we are following your belief structure.

For example, if you were expecting Michael to be a very large man with a large wings and the gigantic sword and we sent you an elf, you would not believe that it is Michael and therefore the good works that could be done, would fail.
We do not appear in form that you can view for very long. It is not that we cannot hold the place, it is that you as a human usually cannot hold the space very long. If you were extremely elevated, you would be able to see us for much longer periods of time rather than a few moments. Some of those on your planet have unlimited time frames and can view us all day if they choose, however they generally only choose to see us when there is something to be done.

Do Angels eat? Angels do not eat anything. They do not have what you consider a body. They are made of a substance that you do not have in your earthly realm. They do not have things like eyeballs, stomachs and toes. It appears that we do, but we do not. It is if we project on your ocular screen a picture of what we look like, as if you are viewing a movie in your theater or on your television. It is simply a viewpoint that you see, it is not a body as you know a body.
We do not need to eat, drink, sleep, or any of the things, that you must do as an earthling. We simply assume a form that you can view to help you bridge the gap and be able to receive what you are asking to receive.

You have a saying that goes ‘You want it, you got it!’ Basically what we are saying is, you are the creator of your experience or rather experience says. You do create it all, including how you view us and/or what you expect to see, when you see or hear an Angel.
We are complete.