
014 Safety First

I used to work with a lot with a guide.  However, I forgot that when I am using guides, I am not always as safe as I am when I work with Angels.  I forgot to protect myself and gave that guide more power than I should have.  Then my guide decided he liked power and wanted more. He then started taking over parts of my life, and it was awhile before I realized anything was wrong.  I have had several experiences with lower level beings: guides, ghosts, attached beings, etc., that have not gone well for me.  So, I would urge you to protect yourself by using only angels or archangels and/or being sure that you know how to set up shields and protection for yourself before you work with any beings or channel them.  I personally do not do ‘mediumship’ work which is communicating with those who have crossed over because they are a lower vibration and I get things like headaches, etc., so it doesn’t work for me.  Other seers love doing that type of work so you need to find out what works for you and fortunately, we all get to choose.

There are different levels of frequency per Elijah/Sandalphon. Sort of like channels on the radio or CB.  Most humans reside at 6 or 7.  Ghosts are normally around 10. Guides are usually at a frequency level of 13-18.  Mother Theresa is a 26. Archangel Michael is 29. Archangels Raphael & Gabriel are at level 28 as are most of the other Archangels. Jesus is 33. So, when you connect with angels, you are dealing with a much higher level of being. It is also my understanding from Archangel Raphael, that angels are required to tell the truth.  Beings at lower level frequencies do not have that requirement.    

When you want to work with angels, simply say, “Open Sacred Space” and ask to be connected to a specific angel or archangel, such as: Gabriel, Michael, Raphael or Jesus.  You will be safe and your prayers will most likely be answered.  Maybe not in your time or not in the angel’s time but in God’s time which could be your next lifetime. But you will know that you can just relax and enjoy the experience.  I always connect with God first and ask God to have the angel[s] help me, since angels are God’s messengers. When I am finished I simply say, “Thank you” and that closes the channel and the sacred space.