PART 3 by Sandalphon [Twin of Metatron – Formerly Elijah the Prophet]
When you are in your existing
lifetime, you have the power to change anything you want. You can and you do,
on a minute to minute basis. Remember your whole purpose in your existing
lifetime is to experience change. It is not to learn lessons. It is not to
resolve karmic issues. Although, you do those things, that is not your purpose.
Your purpose is to experience.
So can your future be modified? The
answer is certainly. You can change your mind at any given moment until the
time you decide to leave the planet. Once you have left the planet, your
lifetime becomes part of the Akashic records. This Akashic record can be viewed
by those who have the eyes to view it, and some humans are capable of doing
that though they are rare.
The Angels have access through their
own spiritual gifts, their own knowingness all of their Clairs. In addition to
that, they are connected to God much more completely than humans are. Humans
actually disconnect to come into the Earth's realm to experience duality. So
humans connect to God very infrequently but occasionally, depending on their
own level of spiritual growth. Some humans feel that they are connected at all
times and that is their belief and from that viewpoint they are.
Regarding the matter of prophecy, the
clarity that Angels get is in the 98% to 99% range. They are very aware. They
are able to access the Akashic or the Book of Life records and they see all of
your life times. One way to picture this would be, as if there were a giant
elevator. Each floor on that elevator would be a lifetime. There would be rows
and rows of elevators depending on what planet you had inhabited. There would
be rows and rows depending on the persona you chose to inhabit, such as an
Angel or a human. So depending on who and where you are when you ask the
question and since you are all in human form that are reading this, we will
only discuss that aspect.
You ask a prophecy question of us,
such as ‘Am I going to get the job I desire.’ It is a simple matter for us to
look at that specific elevator. You are in human form. You are in your current
year and on your current planet, so it is easy for us to go investigate that
floor of that elevator. There are many rooms on that floor. Each room would
represent one year of your time and it is simple to push the button showing the
film of that year of your time. We then see what you chose to do in that year.
This may sound unbelievable or beyond fantastic to some of you. You need to
remember that we do not have time
where we are, but you do on your planet earth. In our time it is always now and we are simply viewing your
tapes that you chose. Others view these
records as Books with facts to read. It doesn’t matter, either way works. You
may also view past lives, which most times are viewed as a ‘movie.’
When you ask us as Angels, if you are
to get the job, we look at the Akashic record that you have built and we can
see that: yes, you did, or no, you didn't or you changed your mind completely
and decided not to work ever again. The point is that sometimes it is difficult
for us to get across to you. We do not have the time constraints that you do.
Your time constraints have been set up on your planet as a referencing system.
You say, ‘Okay, today, I am doing
this.’ ‘Or tomorrow, I am doing that.’ So your today, which is your now, is one
‘now’ for you and when you get to your tomorrow, it is another ‘now’ for you.
However, in the moment for us in either of those instances, it is ‘now.’ We do not have those reference
walls, it is just always ‘now.’ For
you that is true also, but you have the time constraints in your realm.
So, when you ask us for prophecy,
there are two pieces. First, we see your whole entire lifetime; you do not
because of your time constraints. Secondly, the information you are receiving
can be affected by your receiving abilities and/or programs. For example, you
could have a program that you have miscommunication going on. So, instead of
receiving correct communication, you receive miscommunication. You can also
have programs that say you do not believe in Angels, in prophecy, or any other
kind of woo-woo. So, your own programming can keep you from receiving the
prophecy that you would like.
More information about
angels will be published in Books 1 & 3.
From Marjorie: This is extremely confusing for me or has
been. When I ask about prophecy for you,
it usually happens or is so. However,
when I ask for me, it seems to be rarely true, unless it is about my health or
safety. So, there may be some restriction
in there about personal gain. I truly
cannot or do not want to understand why they won’t tell me which stock is going
up tomorrow or what the winning lottery numbers are. It would certainly make my
life richer….